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Hallie stood at the mirror dancing around to Golden by Harry Styles as she curled her hair. Resulting in her burning her fingers a few times as she wasn't paying attention where she was waving the very hot wand. Even at one point used it as a microphone while on which was her asking for trouble. She was meant to have finished getting ready on time but obviously she was too busy having her own concert rendition of the full album. A loud knock undercutting the music which pissed Hallie off completely.

"I will be down in a fucking minute beauty takes time." Hallie exclaims and the knocking stops.

As, Hallie picked up her dress for the evening off the large double bed she frowned. This was not going to be a fun night as she had picked a dress that left no lumps and bumps to the imagination. Biting her lip as she debated whether to scrap the outfit completely and just wear jeans and a cami she had packed.

"Clearly at midnight last night I was feeling myself.... spanks ... spanks where the fuck are they. Shit did I pack them. I must have." Hallie exclaims getting an idea.

Spanks much like the McDonalds where Hallie's partner in crime. Granted she tried to stay healthy as much as she could but at the same time she wasn't going to deny herself a Big Mac and chips if she fancied it. You live one life what is the point of stuffing your face with steamed Kale and Quinoa when there is a beautiful take away across the road. The floor of her room once pristine now looked like the floor of Zara in the after Christmas Boxing Day / new year sales. Which was something so much as an eye sore and one better left alone. But she had no choice she had to move it all.

"Finally!" Hallie screamed as she pulled the spanks from a pile of clothes she had made. Kissing them happily.

"The dress it is!" Hallie states shimmying the dress over the spanks she walked over to the full length mirror by the dressing table frowning as she smoothed it down. Doing the usual looking at it from the front , looking from the side and back again a few times. Frowning.

"Should I ... hmm. it's going to be dark. I guess I could get away with it." Hallie mumbles to herself. Nodding her head. She thought she looked alright. I mean the spanks where doing the gods work. Like a live face tune which was just wonderful to be honest.

Since there was no doubt an abundance of photos where going to be taken tonight both with a without her consent. While some will be nicely lit and well composed by Pippa to make sure they were perfect others like ones her mother , father or any of the aunts and uncles who were not completely tech savvy were where you had to watch out. The unflattering flash was enough to make even the most insta baddie of people look like a demonic egg. Which was not on Hallie's to do list of becoming even though that is what she describes herself when she wakes up in the morning with her hair half in / half out the pony tail she put it in the night before.

Grabbing her purse which had her phone and her lipstick she headed down to the garden area where a few people had already made their way downstairs. Everyone had at least tried to spruce up their outfits for tonight which was nice. As , a light piano music filtered through the air as the boring small talk ensued around Pippa and Neil. Who were quite honestly lapping up the attention like stray cats finding a fresh bowl of milk.

Walking to the bar that was decorated in some vines and red roses to make it look more wedding like. Hallie glanced over the menu briefly at mock tail after mock tail. Settling on a virgin Mojito knowing it was going to be the least offence of all the drinks on offer. Taking the first sip she frowned. No it was still gross and needed that alcoholic hit but it will do she thought smiling at a few relatives that were clearly not feeling her right now as they gave her the most gun pointed to their heads smiles she had ever seen.

" Hun I hate to break it to you but your whole left breast is out." Alfie's wife whispers in her ear as Hallie gasps. The Mojito almost smashing to the ground which might not have been its worst fate.

Her gaze snapped down to her dress and yes her whole boob was practically out. Tara quickly stepped in front of Hallie to block any more people seeing what had happened so she could fix it.

"No wonder this drink tastes like shite he was too busy staring at my tit." Hallie mumbles as Tara giggles slightly.

" much like everyone else. Let's hope Pippa did .... " Tara trails off towards the end as Pippa stalks over towards the pair of them like a wild cat going in for the kill.

"Pippa you look nice." Tara tries her best to distract the situation as she glared at Hallie.

"Is it necessary to have your whole breast out at cocktail hour? I thought you had more class than that." Pippa snaps lowly to not draw attention to the conversation as Hallie rolls her eyes.

"Seriously it was an accident. Besides most people here are either family or are going to be family so why on earth would I be trying to pull a bloke right now." Hallie questions as Pippa crosses her arms over her chest to show how angry she is.

" you do some seriously stupid shit some times. Hence why you don't have a steady boyfriend. Clean up your act Hallie it is six more days." Pippa warned as Hallie went to throw the Mojito over Pippa but Tara and her mum like rapid responses stopped her taking the glass completely to defuse the situation.

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