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"Congratulations?" Hallie awkwardly states unsure how to play this whole situation. 

She wasn't sure if Pippa was about to bite her head off or not but she knew Pippa deserved to give her a free pass for an alcoholic beverage after this. What had she done to deserve to be put in this situation with her little sister. I mean there was a lot of things so maybe this was gods way of giving them a chance to rectify all the bad blood they had before she got married in two days. 

Pippa wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. Hallie had never seen her so raw she was always so prim and proper. If it wasn't then they were just butting heads with each other over the stupidest things. But never crying. Hallie glanced around the bathroom for something she could use instead of the back of her hand. No one liked a snotty wet hand. Settling on the hand towel that was wrapped around a hook to the right of the sink. 

"Here for the tears and snot. Better than your hand." Hallie states robotically wishing for this to be over already. Pippa took it throwing her head straight into it sobbing further. Again all Hallie could do was pat her leg semi comfortingly. 

But in reality it. looked like a animatronic that had been programmed to do this over and over again. Hallie bit her lip waiting for the moment she was going to realise it was Hallie who was here and not mother and scream at her to get out and never speak of this moment again. 

"He is going to hate me." Pippa mumbles and Hallie sighed. 

So this is why she was called upon. No just because people would assume Pippa was annoyed at her for something else she had already done. But because he was her ex she knew how his brain worked. Biting her lip she thought about whether to tell the absolute truth to Pippa or to lie through her teeth and tell her exactly what she wanted to hear. 

"Just don't tell him yet. Most pregnancies end in miscarriage anyway Pip. You might never have to." Hallie tries to make light of the situation but only made it worse as Pippa glares at her. Hallie glanced down at her lap playing with her finger nails. Her skin crawling as she wanted to be buried alive instead of sat right here. 

Would it be mean if she just got up and left. Probably. But Hallie didn't know what was worse crying Pippa or annoyed Pippa. At this point in time crying Pippa it was too much. Hallie's eyes darted round the bathroom to not even look Pippa in the eyes. Taking a deep breathe she knew she had to say what she was going to. Maybe it would back fire and Pippa would jump up saying got you and everything would go back to normal but now felt different. 

"Pip. I can tell you with my whole heart the minute you tell him his heart is going to explode with happiness." Hallie mumbles playing with her bracelet the pair smiling sadly at each other. As, Pippa frowned.Unsure why Hallie was saying such a nice thing.

Pippa slide into the corner of the bathroom so Hallie could reluctantly slide in next to her. This in itself was the closets the pair had been in a nice sense in about half their lives. Hallie placed her hand on her right knee palm up for Pippa to take. Which she did interlocking their fingers. An odd sensation. 

" A few weeks before I broke up with him I told him I was pregnant and he was over the moon. But I knew seeing him that happy I didn't feel the same. When he looked at baby books he would beam while I felt a sense of dread and sickness building up in the pit of my stomach. SO I knew what to do I didn't want to keep it. So went and had an abortion without telling him. Which was a big mistake as one of our last explosive arguments I shouted that I got rid of it and he got so angry he threw a pillow at me. I know he didn't mean it and it could have been a whole load worse but it was just his way of being pissed at me ... and he had the right to be I got rid of our baby behind his back. So I know for a fact the pair of you will be better parent than me. Sure you may be scared right now but you have nothing to worry about. Cherish it Pip as it is something I know you have been dreaming about since you were little. I promise you." Hallie opens up her eyes watering slightly as she remembers the day vividly. Watching it as if it was playing out in real time right in front of her. 

Pippa's eyes instantly softened realising her older sister wasn't just a self centred bitch. She was like any normal person. Even if she thought Hallie was a built robot older sister just here to annoy the hell out of her. She did have a heart. Felling bad herself that Hallie had kept this secret from everyone. They all knew she broke up with him it was common knowledge but no one knew the extent as she never went into details. But Pippa's heart broke for her sister. Pippa took a deep breath as Hallie wasn't breathing just waiting for her pouring out her heart to back fire directly into her face. 

"I'm sorry Hal." Pippa mumbled leaning her head against Hallie's shoulder. Hallie tensed. Awkwardly patting Pippa's and her's interlocked hands. 

"It's alright I don't need a pity party ." Hallie states 

"Does this make us sister's ?"Pippa questions softly as Hallie frowns 

" I pretty sure biology does that." Hallie answers as Pippa chuckles softly.

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