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broken girls blossom into warriors

"SOMEONE, HELP ME," a child cried, her crystal blue eyes blurred with desperate tears

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"SOMEONE, HELP ME," a child cried, her crystal blue eyes blurred with desperate tears. "Please," she begged as she ran up to the people that stood fixed in their places. Everything around the child was frozen. It was as if someone pressed pause on life itself.

The bright lights of the police cars halted in the air, the red and blue still as clear as the stars that paused in their firey waves. Their curious eyes were already set upon the scene below them, yet they couldn't move, not anymore at least. The once-bustling city was filled with investigators and medics, all of which were frozen.

Everything came rushing back to the child, who quickly realised what had happened. She managed to freeze time. She strained her voice, even though she knew no one could hear her. Yet, she still screamed, hoping that someone else was also stuck in this hell hole with her. But no one replied back. No one showed any sign of movement.

Suddenly, she couldn't breathe. It felt as if someone was choking her. Her heart was racing, and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one would; no one could see or hear her.

They were all frozen.

Spotting her father amongst the time subdued crowd, she ran over to him, latching on to him and begging him to hear her. She hoped that a single touch from her would unfreeze him, yet it didn't. He still remained frozen, just like the rest.

A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, and she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her, and she wondered, would she remain like this forever? Would time ever unfreeze for her?

The child's body began to wrack with raw sobs, and she shook like a leaf. Fright consumed every cell in her body, swelling them with terror as reality struck her. With every frozen second, she felt the rise of her blood pressure, but she knew that this was the least of her worries. She needed to find a way to unfreeze this.

And so she ventured around the country, looking and discovering many things about her quirks and others. Although time wasn't moving with her, the child knew that it had been many, many months. Possibly years. She lost track after a while. The sun never rose, nor did it ever set. Everything around her remained frozen. The child read many books, gaining lots of knowledge. With time frozen around her, she used that to her advantage. She managed to throw many thugs into jail, something she saw her parents do many times — well, now parent.

The child helped many. She could predict what would happen when she finally managed to resume time, so when she saw someone was in danger, she simply disposed of it before anything bad could happen.

Although time freeze came with many benefits, it had many drawbacks. The child's mind grew; her body remained the same, though. Her brain was still developing, absorbing everything she was learning. The blue-haired child managed to survive all by herself, thus, maturing because of her experience.

The child travelled across Japan, searching for books that would tell her about her quirk and how to unfreeze. Each night, however, she cried with great exertion. Tear after tear that made no difference, and in the morning, carrying a vigorous desire for never giving up, she went off, looking for information, unconscious to the abundance of her feelings that subjugated her and drove her crazy from the loneliness time freeze brought with it.

But it's fine, she reassured herself. I'll make it out of this.

And thus, a true hero was born like always. In times of suffering, people will either damage themselves or force themselves to be reborn into a new and improved person. It just depends on your mindset and your heart. And when you have hope, determination and patience, everything is possible — even unfreezing time.

"I'm back, daddy. I managed to get home."

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