016 | it's all about equality

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she always spoke her mind,
even if her voice shook

AS SERENA WATCHED the battle between Bakugo and Uraraka, she couldn't help but feel disgusted towards the audience

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AS SERENA WATCHED the battle between Bakugo and Uraraka, she couldn't help but feel disgusted towards the audience. "This is shameful! Listen, kid; you really want to be a hero? Then stop acting like a bully! If you're so good, just send her out of bounds. Stop toying with the girl and end this match!"

"Yeah, you heard the guy!" Serena felt her eyes twitch in annoyance, her hands clenched into tight fists, nails digging into her palm. Kirishima glanced to his left, seeing the girl begin to fill with animosity.

"Ser—" The redhead was cut off mid-word as time froze all around the blue-haired girl. She stormed out of Class 1-A's seating area, making her way to where her teacher and Present Mic were seated. She threw the door open, snatching the mic from the Pro Hero's hand and unfreezing time.

"—ena?" Kirishima stared at the spot in confusion, seeing the girl vanish. He looked around, wondering where she went, only to facepalm when her voice resounded through the stadium.

"OI!" Bakugo's eyes widened at the voice he oh-so loved. His gaze moved over to the announcer balcony, spotting the girl holding the microphone with rage emitting off her. "Who's the dude that started this uproar?" she asked, her narrowed eyes staring down at the stands filled with people, who all looked to where she was standing. "Are you a Pro? Because if you're being serious, go home and hang up your cape."

Present Mic gasped at the girl, reaching to get the mic, only for her to freeze the blonde to his spot, her homeroom teacher's eyes glinting with amusement as she also froze Present Mic's lips together. "Life isn't fair at all. There are villains out there who are ruthless and merciless; they won't hesitate to attack, no matter if you are a child or if you have a child. If you think what Bakugo is doing is cruel, then I suggest looking into another career."

The audience remained silent, absorbing the words of the wise, youthful girl who attacked them with great acrimony. Her classmates couldn't help but fall in love with her even more; her words and actions proved to them that she was indeed amazing.

"Uraraka is determined, smart and unbelievably strong." the brunette's eyes widened as she heard her crush compliment her, her heartbeat palpitating. At the same time, Bakugo started getting irritated that she was praising the girl in front of him. "Bakugo knows that she deserves to be here, hell, we all know she deserves to be here. Just because she's a young girl doesn't mean she can't beat him! It's about equal rights, motherfu—"

Aizawa grabbed the microphone before she could finish her curse, causing her to glare at him. "Hey! I wasn't finished!"

"Go back to your seat," he said, his voice serious yet his eyes told her that he was proud and amused by her, she could see them glint dimly in his eyes. Serena was sure that she would see a smile on his face if it wasn't wrapped in bandages.

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