024 | domestic fluff

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she wore a smile like a loaded gun

SERENA WOKE UP TO A HAND playing in her hair

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SERENA WOKE UP TO A HAND playing in her hair. She exhaled deeply when fingers began to massage her head, easing out the tension that started to build up more frequently over the past few weeks. Serena nuzzled her head into the male's neck, finding herself wrapped in the warmth he emitted.

The fingers disappeared, and Serena whined, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling the male closer. "Don't stop."

Dabi chuckled, tangling his fingers in her hair and resuming what he was doing, watching as she relaxed, a small smile of content tugging at her lips. A noise that resembled a purr escaped Serena's lips, and she snuggled into the villain.

Dabi's lips quirked upwards.

"Come on. Hawks is making lunch."

"Lunch?" she questioned, raising her head to lock eyes with him. A shiver ran down her spine. His eyes were fire in water, if one could imagine such a thing. They were passion buried in ice.

"It's three in the afternoon," he replied, not breaking eye contact with her. Dabi felt drawn into her eyes. The icy blueness generated a feeling like he was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of emotions. But there was a fire that burned deep within them, a fire that he recognised in Hawks' eyes. It was the need and determination to save people.

The two were broken out of their thoughts by the sound of a very manly scream.


Serena jumped out of the bed quickly, rushing to the kitchen with Dabi trailing after her, though not as panicked as he knew what was happening. The bluenette froze on the spot, biting down on her lip as she held in her laughter.

In front of them stood a crimson winged male desperately trying to blow out a pan that was set on fire while being surrounded by food spilt all over the floor and kitchen counter. His feathers were carrying ingredients for pancakes, Serena realised. But they were spilling the flour, the milk, and accidentally cracking the eggs because of the frustration and panic oozing off the blonde.

"Hawks?" The blonde's eyes widened, and he whipped around to see his boyfriend and crush standing at the doorway, trying not to laugh. He grinned nervously, stepping in front of the mess but that just resulted in his pink apron getting set on fire.

"Holy shit!" he yelped when he glanced down, feeling the heat lick at his skin. Serena waved her right hand, and both the pan and his apron were covered in ice. She shook her head at the mess, unable to hold her chuckles. Dabi smirked in amusement.

"This is why I never let you cook," he said, motioning to their practically destroyed kitchen.

Hawks pouted.

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