017 | the warmth of a hug and a smile

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she was his idea of perfect

SERENA WAS ON THE EDGE OF HER SEAT as she watched the battle between Todoroki and Midoriya

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SERENA WAS ON THE EDGE OF HER SEAT as she watched the battle between Todoroki and Midoriya. The two started big, with Shoto wanting to finish the fight quickly. Serena couldn't help but cringe every time Izuku broke his finger when using his power.

"By the way, Kirishima," Serena started, turning her head to glance at the redhead sitting next to her. "Good job making it to the second round."

A toothy grin stretched across his face, brightening up his features. "Thanks! I'll be up against you next, Bakugo," he said, leaning forward to look at the blonde that sat on the other side of Serena. "Let's have a good fight!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath. Serena chuckled, shaking her head at the blonde. She knew that he wouldn't go easy on Kirishima. Bakugo wasn't a gentle person; it's what made him a good friend. He wanted those he cared about to improve.

He didn't sugarcoat shit.

"But man, you, Bakugo, and Todoroki can all shoot off powerful attacks that cover a lot of ground. It must be so cool to have a flashy quick like that!" Serena sighed, glancing down at her hand.

"I'm not shooting them off," Bakugo spoke, also glancing at his arm. His attack on Uraraka did take a toll on him. "Don't underestimate 'em."

"Quirks are physical abilities. There's a limit to how much power one can produce," Serena informed them, her hand slowly cooling as she activated her quirk. "Even Bakugo and I have ours."

Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima all stared at the blue-haired girl that managed to capture their heart. There was something about her that managed to entrance them.

Serena turned back to the battle in front of her, watching as Midroiya began to rebreak his fingers. Serena winced, already imagining the pain he must be in.

'Knowing Izuku, he's probably too pumped with adrenaline to even realise it,' she thought.

As Todoroki continued to exert the use of his ice quirk, frostbite began to crawl up the right side of his body. It was the same drawback as Serena's, occurring when their body temperature dropped drastically.

The blue-haired girl pursed her lips, becoming a bit pissed off as Todoroki continued to hold back his true potential. Serena could see that Shoto was getting overwhelmed; he had a look that told her he was reflecting back on his childhood — which wasn't as good as people presumed.

She clenched her fists tightly, feeling her nails digs into the palm of her hand, though she barely noticed. Serena stood from her chair, surprising her classmates that sat around her. "Serena? What are you doing?"

The goddess-like girl walked forward, leaning over the edge, ignoring the exclaims from her crushes. She cupped her hands around her mouth, amplifying her voice.

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