Chapter 25

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POV Betty

"What should we do, FP?" Veronica asked and he looked at us.

"Can you tell where they are in that picture?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. They're at our house. He said that I needed to come home or he would hurt them both. I need to go. He just wants me, I think. If I go, he'll let them go." I replied but Jughead tightened his arm around me and shook his head.

"NO WAY! You aren't sacrificing yourself. Who knows what he'll do. He can't be trusted." He yelled and FP nodded.

"Jughead's right. Men like him will never be satisfied or happy. He'll take you and your sisters and your mothers. He'll never let them go willingly." FP explained. Deep down I knew that he was right but I didn't know what else to do.

"I should call my dad" Kevin piped in. I shook my head.

"He said that if we call the police, he'll shoot them both the second he sees the cars" V frantically explained. FP frowned.

"We need to call the Sheriff. Kevin call him and let him know what's happening but that me and the Serpents are going to go in first. He needs to be nearby but not come in until we tell him. Have him call me in ten and I'll give him all the details" FP commanded and then turned to me.

"I'm going to need to tell the rest of the gang, ok?" He asked me softly. I nodded, numbly as he crouched down in front of me.

"Betty, look at me, sweet heart" he murmured and I looked into his eyes. I saw kindness there but determination too. They made me feel safe for the first time in a long time.

"I'm going to get them back for you. I promise. Veronica, honey, you too. I swear it. They will be back with you soon." he continued as he looked over at V who was crying quietly.  He stood up and nodded to Jughead and Sweet Pea who both nodded back. Then he walked out, yelling for the music to be shut off.

Jughead pulled me into his lap as Sweet Pea sat next to Veronica and put his arm around her.

"Dad means it. We will save them, baby. Don't worry. The Serpents will take care of this" Jug whispered to me. I nodded but didn't really believe it. As soon as I saw that picture, I knew deep in heart that I would never see either of them again.  For all we knew, they could already be dead. My Dad was an animal. FP and Jughead had no idea. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I looked down and sighed.

???: What's taking so long? You saw this picture over 20 minutes ago. You better not be calling the police. They can't save you and you mother's will be dead if you don't get your ass here soon.

I looked over at V and handed her the phone. She looked at me in a panic and I closed my eyes.

"Let me see" Jug commanded and she gave him it. He growled when he read the message and then handed it to Sweet Pea who read it aloud for everyone else.

"I'm going to kill him for this. For this and all the awful things he's done to you, baby" he said and I snapped then.

"STOP!" I yelled and jumped up. Everyone froze and stared at me.

"I don't need you to save me, Jug. I don't need another person to command me again." I ranted and C nodded.

"Ok, Betty. Tell us. What do you want to do?" C asked. I looked at her in surprise. I thought for a moment and nodded.

"I'm going. I need to." I said firmly. I could hear Jughead and V start to argue but I put up my hand to stop them.

"I didn't say I was going alone" I began and Mac smiled and nodded.

"That's the girl I know" he said and Jughead glared at him but didn't say anything. I took a deep breath and walked into the bar as the rest of my friends followed me.

FP looked startled to see me as we walked in.

"Betty! I just finished telling them what was going on" he explained as I walked onto the makeshift stage. I nodded and took the microphone. This was MY life and MY family. I was done taking a backseat position in it. I was going to take control and it began with this.

"Thank you, FP." I turned to face the roomful of people that terrified me earlier that night. I shook my head and took a deep breath. I no longer had the luxury of being afraid right now. I had a mission and nothing could stop me.

"Serpents, my mother, Alice was once one of you. Many of you must feel like she abandoned you but I assure you that nothing could be farther from the truth. She distanced herself from you to keep you safe. To ensure peace while you could grow your strength and numbers. She knew that the Ghoulies would have ended this gang back then, now though. Now, your are strong and can defeat anything that comes your way. I'm begging you now to repay what she did for you years ago. She needs you now. My Father will kill her." I paused and looked around the room.

"He will. I know this. He will kill her and Hermione. He will kill me and my sisters as well. He will not stop. He is resourceful and ruthless. I need your help. Alice needs your help" I paused and suddenly a large man stepped forward. He was terrifying and I read danger in his eyes.

"We will do whatever you need. We will help you however we can, princess" he vowed and the rest of the Serpents nodded. I took a deep breath. I quickly told them my plan. Most didn't like it but they agreed that there was no other way.

"No!" Jughead yelled just as the rest were finally agreeing. I glared at him.

"I don't have time for this. Every minute this takes is another minute that my Mom's could be dying." I snapped and walked off the stage.

"I'm going. This is my plan. Follow me or don't. Those are your options" I snapped and walked the door. Jughead ran ahead of me and stepped in between me and the door.

"NO! Those are not our only options. I could force you to stay here and we could go ourselves." He threatened.

"The second my Father sees you, he'll slaughter them." I countered.

"So he won't see us" Jug tried but I shook my head.

"It won't work and you know it. Besides, if you force me, you'll be no different than him. Controlling me. Not respecting me. I'll never forgive you" I snapped and he paled and took a step back.

"That's what I thought" I said as I walked out the door.

"But at least you'd be alive" he muttered as he followed me. A second later, I felt an hand on my arm. I turned, expecting to see Jughead.

"Veronica?" I said and she nodded.

"I'm going in with you" she declared but I shook my head.

"No, it's just going to put you at risk. He only wants me. He said to come alone. Plus the Serpents need you to help them get in and get our Mom's. You are the only one who knows our house" I explained as I walked out to the parking lot.

"Fine, but you better come back" she snapped and hugged me tight.

"I promise" I said not knowing if it was true. I looked around and quickly hugged the rest of my friends.

"I'll see you all soon" I vowed and they nodded.

"We'll be there" Mac replied. I looked around and saw Jughead on a bike.

"I'm going to drive you, princess. I'll drop you a block away and meet up with the others" he explained and I nodded. I got on his bike in my formal dress, which was just as hard as it sounded. It was strange to think how this day and evening began. I gave the gang and my friends one last wave as we pulled away together.

I would like to thank all of you for all the lovely comments and votes. I enjoy hearing what you like and want to see in this book. Thanks again!

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