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Karlä could barley look at her former lover. Not just because of how he treated her but...she felt guilty .
After all she basically turned him in.

"Karlä what the fuck are you doing?" Running as fast as she could, Karlä reached the police station. She ran straight to the first officer she saw, PC Edwards, who happened to know her father. The family friend frowned as his goddaughter hysterically rushed to him. "Matt,Matt, he's going to kill me ." Before the police officer could question what was going on, the door swang open and they were now face-to-face with a very angry man.
For a moment it looked like Cohen was going to get Karlä then he recognised Edwards and his face went pale. "Cohen Carlson."  Matt's attention was now on the criminal. "We've been searching for you."
The cuffs were out. "You're under arrest and you have the right to remain silent as anything you say can be used against you."

Karlä's thoughts were interrupted by a gentle squeeze of her hand via McKenzie. Smiling back, Karlä knew she needed all the encouragement possible.

"Cohen Conner Carlson." The judge read out as the defendant stepped forward. "You are facing two counts of federal crime in drug trafficking Class A drugs Cocaine and Heroin," Judge Marie Hawkins then turned to Karlä. "and also two charges of Domestic abuse including Harassment and..." the pause was deafening. "statutory rape."
Now everyone's eyes were on Karlä who was doing everything to remain composed.
"Miss Karlä Denise Pugh," the focus was firmly on her. "you have come forward to testify against the defendant here." The gesture to Cohen was subtle but painful.
Now Mr Randy Lawrence, Cohen's lawyer had stepped forward.
After both of them swore an oath, Lawrence began with questioning Karlä.
"How old were you both when you and my client first met?"
Karlä swallowed before briefly recalling. "I was 12 at the time ,yes, and he's two years older than me so...he would've been 14."
Lawrence pursed his lips. This answer clearly didn't appeal to him. "When did you both get into a relationship?"
Karlä didn't pause. "Well around a year after."

Now Hawkins has interrupted. "Miss Pugh, I have been told that you and Carlson embarked on a sexual relationship almost instantly."
Lawrence nodded. "There have been allegations that the night you asked for him to take your virginity."
Karlä looked straight back. "That was never true."
The lawyer raised his eyebrows. "What suggests that?"
Karlä felt embarrassed to say the next thing. "One of my best friends...arranged for me to lose my virginity to someone her brother knew."
Marie Hawkins appeared horrified . "By all means I don't want to interrupt." She interrupted. "However I just want to know whether you are still in association with this friend ."
The emphasis on the last word was so strong, Karlä winced.  "She actually..." the answer was very hard to get out. "overdosed on drugs a couple of years ago."

They had now swiftly moved on. "Why did you enter a relationship with Mr. Carlson?" Randy wanted to know. " He was..." Karlä glanced at Cohen. "a sense of security." The lawyer was almost mocking her "So you weren't forced into that." Karlä didn't take the bait. "No."
Suddenly Cohen gestured for Lawrence to come over and after brief whispering between the duo, Randy turned to look at Karlä in the eye.
"My client wants to know..." A sharp breath was drawn. "did you love him?"
Karlä squirmed on the spot. However she had an answer. "Of course." She then quietly added. "I wouldn't have ran away with him."
Then once again the judge spoke up. "May we ask..." a quick look was given to Lawrence. "why you ran away with him? Where things not right at home?"
Karlä closed her eyes. There was another flashback.

"They're not good enough!" Karen ripped into her daughter who was avoiding eye contact. They were both looking at the sheet of paper which read of a GPA of 2.6. It wasn't that bad . Well at least not to Karlä. Her mum had things to say about it though. "You had a 3.8 last year! What's changed Karlä? I swear is it your friends? I think you've been sneaking out the house." Karlä's mums eyes narrowed. "Wait,do you have a boyfriend?"

Karlä's attention was back. "Me and my mom had a row the night before." Randy's eyes narrowed like her mums did. "What was it about?" Karlä wasn't comfortable sharing this. "About my attitude in school and..."

"You'll never be like them!" Her mum was truly upset. "Not like your sisters! Yes you want to be a soccer player but you need dedication Karlä!"She frantically waved the sheet in her daughters face. "Not this!"

Karlä decided not to share anything else. "Just that." She confirmed.
Judge Hawkins looked down at documents given to her. "It says here in your statement..." She put her glasses back on once more. "that you and Cohen had sex the day you left."
A pointed look was given to Karlä. "Which would've been statutory rape."  Cohen looked as if he was going to say something. Marie noticed. "Whether or not she wanted you to stop, your girlfriend was 15 and you were 17 going onto 18. The fact that her birthday wasn't far away doesn't matter. Karlä Pugh cannot consent ."
The judge then turned to Karlä once more. "Did he treat you well?" The tone wasn't demanding, more gentle, as if she was her mum.
Karlä swallowed. This was going to be a big lie.
"Yes he did." Her ex gave a small smile to himself. He knew how much he had gotten away with.

Then Randy spoke for the first time in a while. "Well why did you run to the police station..." he turned to Matthew Edwards " screaming 'he's going to kill me'?" What Karlä said next wasn't a complete lie. "I...uh because I was going to turn him in for his smuggling."
The judge looked up. "That's bring our attention forward to the next offences. Thank you for your testimony Miss Pugh, you can leave now."

What? What about the harassment charges? Karlä didn't object and instead she followed an aide out of the court. Not long after she left the building, Karlä got a phone call.

" did it go?"

AUTHORS NOTE: Just want everyone's opinion on this- do you ship her with anyone?
Is there a certain plot you want to see?
I'm asking as I'm a bit stuck on what to write for this fanfic and I have a feeling you guys might not hate this book 😂😶

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