"skinny bones"

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As some sort of "celebration" (Mama Pugh's words) Karlä's relatives all came over for a dinner.
It seemed as if her dad had told them not to mention about where she had been as Karlä noted that everyone spoke to her just like they did a couple of years ago. Although they did congratulate her involvement now with the USWNT.
It made Karlä nervous when she saw the amount of food on the table. Especially when Mal piled it onto her plate and said "We've made this all just for you." While the situation with Cohen (seemed to be) resolved, there was still another battle for Karlä Pugh to fight.

Her bulimia

Faced with a pile of casserole and chicken with salad, Karlä only opted to go with the salad. While it caused frowns , the teen knew her limit. This was as much food as she could have without throwing up.
No one said anything until a close family friend, an old woman named Gertrude, pushed her specs back up her face and screeched "Karen? She's just having a salad? Does a girl not need to eat? She needs fuel for her skinny bones." Karlä's dad opened his mouth to say something but he was quietly reassured by his daughter that it was OK.
Feeling pressured to not embarrass her family, Karlä decided to have the chicken and some of the casserole.
The visitors didn't leave until around 2 hours later and Karlä could already feel the vomit rising up her throat. Fuck, she realised I've ate too much.
Trying not to make a scene, Karlä hopped onto the stairs and quickly walked to the en-suite she had in the room she was sharing with Mal.
Flicking the light on, the next thing Karlä remembered doing was rushing to a sink and letting it all out. To her horror, it wasn't even sick this time...it was blood.
Throwing up a couple more times, Karlä looked into the mirror and saw her ghostly face with bloodshot eyes and blood itself, drooling down her chin.
Feeling like she needed to vomit again, Karlä went to tilt her head down to the sink when she heard the voice of the last person she wanted to see her.


What on earth was Mallory Pugh doing here?

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