"They're here"

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As soon as she entered the room, Karlä dialled Randy's phone number. Although she was desperate, Karlä didn't expect her former lover to pick up so when he did, she couldn't instantly word things.

K: Thank fuck...I'm...so fucked oh I'm so sorry oh my fucking God
R: Woah woah woah, Karlä deep breaths remember
K:(deep breath) oh I'm so sorry...basically Randy I'm fucked
R: You've said that
K: Sorry it's just Barry's here
R: What? McColl? How's he outta jail?
K: Dunno but I need your help
R: Go on
K: You know how you said you'd protect me...
R: You want me to protect you from Cohen

Karlä winced at how Hepburn had gotten that drastically wrong.

K: Not really him...my sister
R: I'm sorry?
K: Well I basically lied in front of them all and said I was with Cohen to avoid Batty saying any shit to him and as you can tell, Mal's not happy about that
R: Obviously
K: So can you help?
R: What do you want me to do?

Karlä couldn't think of anything. And just then the door burst open and Karlä came face to face with three very angry people.

K: Stay with me
R: Sorry?
K: Stay with me on this line
R: Why? Is he here? Karlä are you in trouble?

"Who's that?" Much to Karlä's surprise it was Lindsey who spoke up with her harsh tone evident. "The only person who won't judge me." She fired back.

R: Who's that?
K: Come here. Please
R: I'm in the car just hold on

Karlä looked at her sister and her two closest friends. Why couldn't they get her circumstances? That Cohen would stop at nothing to claim what was his.

K: Do you think Cohen's out?
R:You know that I can't give a definitive answer
K: What do you think though?

Karlä really couldn't focus now. Mal,Rose and Lindsey were all on their phones, and Karlä couldn't help but wonder what they were doing.

R: Karz I'm here
K: Already?
R: I may have broken a few laws
K: Seriously?
R: Where are you?
K:I'm just coming, meet me at the lobby

Karlä couldn't help but feel like this was déjà vu to when she left with Cohen a couple of years ago. Looking up, Karlä saw her sister standing at the door, blocking her from leaving.
"Mal," Karlä sighed seeing her sisters firm face "I'm not gonna leave you."
Mal frowned. "You said that just before you left the last time."
Karlä rolled her eyes. "With Cohen." She pointed out.
Still not convinced Mal snapped "Is Randy any better though?"
"He might be." The answer to her rhetorical question stunned Mal. "What are you talking about?"
Looking towards the door where she knew he was waiting Karlä explained "I've not exactly given him a chance no? Look Mal he promised that he would always help and protect me if Cohen came after me. Can't I at least give him a chance?"
Now Rose and Lindsey were looking to their teammate, to see if she would budge.
Eventually the 21-year old reluctantly stepped out the way. "Let me know when you arrive somewhere safe." Was all she said as Karlä gratefully hugged her sister and rushed out the room and down the stairs.
As she was approaching the lobby, Karlä spotted  Randy waiting just outside it.
"I'm sorry I took so-" Karlä was cut off by the fidgety Hepburn.
"They're here." He hissed. Karlä didn't understand. "Who?" Randy couldn't even look at her in the eye. "Barry and...Cohen."

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