"I'll always have your back"

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Karlä anxiously dialled the number into her phone. She didn't even know if it was the right one. "Hello?" Unfortunately for Karlä it was.


A dramatic pause followed.

R: Karlä it's you?
K: (sigh) Yes it is
R: Um ok...I'm guessing there's something you want?

Karlä didn't want to jump the gun.

K: I just want to know...whether you told the media about the fact that I had an abortion
R: I'd be lying if I said I didn't

Karlä was now confused.

K: How did you know though
R:I saw you...come out the clinic with your sister and I heard her say how you were so brave
K:oh...I didn't even notice you
R: ouch
K: Well why Randy? What do you want? I don't know what to give to you
R: A possible answer if it was my baby

This annoyed Karlä. She was only a couple of weeks pregnant by the time the foetus was aborted.

K: Yes
R: Well I just want to say thanks

Even though she anticipated the answer, Karlä still asked the question.

K: Why?
R: Karlä (deep breath) neither of us are fit enough parents. I mean I don't know how you can cope with all the pressures that's constantly on you. As for I...it's the most selfish thing for a drug and alcohol addict to do in having a kid.

Karlä quickly got the reference to his mum.

K: Would you ever quit? Like would you have attempted to quit if you had a kid?

The silence lasted for over a minute. It was clear that Randy was stuck on how to answer this question.

R: Maybe, I certainly don't want to be like my mum
K: That's nice
R: Are you being sarcastic?
K: What? No!
R: (polite laugh) oh good it's just I would give something like that up for someone I love or at least to the best of my abilities

Karlä could sense where this was going.

K: Are you trying to say that...?
R: What?
K: I dunno, something about me?
R: You know I wouldn't deny that
K: You know I wouldn't go out with you
R: Seriously?
K: Cohen's already mad enough that I've aborted a kid I'm sure and he's going to be even more mad when he realises it wasn't his and now if he finds out about us being together? What do you think he's gonna do? Shake our hands?
R: So you wouldn't ever consider it?
K: If there wasn't Cohen to worry about...then yes
R: Well take your time
K:Excuse me?
R: I'm serious. I've waited for you so long and I'll keep waiting. I know you've got trust issues, as do I, and you're already trying to adapt again but just let me know if you need help. Because I'll always have your back. Even if you don't think so
K: Well...that was the sweetest and most cringe thing I've heard
R: Cringe? I just poured my heart out for you
K: (chuckle) I'm just teasing Rands...and you know what? I will consider it. Your help I mean. Don't get other ideas

Karlä swore she heard a "Not yet" then the line ended and Karlä was left to face her sister who had an eyebrow raised. "You're blushing." She noted. Karlä rolled her eyes. "I don't have feelings for him." "Karlä?" "Uh-huh?" "Do you remember how I said I can tell when you're lying?"
"Um no but Okay?" Mal rolled over to her. "Well you're lying again." "Am not." "Are too." "Am not."
This playful exchange continued all while in Karlä's head, she knew this was the calm before the storm.

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