"It's him"

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Of course Karlä was nervous speaking to her ex. Even if it was currently over the phone.
Cohen didn't pick up until the third ring.

C: Karlä?
K: Yes. Look we need to discuss arrangements
C: Fine then

Karlä could hear Batty's heavy breathing in the background, she wasn't stupid. But Randy was opposite her and that cancelled things out.

K:So, where are we meeting?
C:You're asking me?
K:Well duh you know where I am

Karlä could almost hear the smirk forming on her former lover's lips.

C: True, true. Tell you what babe , how about the place we first met?

Karlä frowned.

K:Alyssa's house?
C: It's mine now

Karlä didn't bother to ask how. She knew she wouldn't like it.
C: So just to remind you...it's 32 Elmont road

Karlä still oddly, remembered the address but she didn't tell him that. Looking to Randy, he had scribbled it down on a notepad.

K: The time?
C: Lets go...midnight shall we?

Karlä almost rolled her eyes when she heard Batty's cackle but stopped. It was like she was paranoid...what if he could see her?
Once again, Randy had taken that down.

K: So I'm meet you there
C: Can't wait! See you soon darling!

It almost made Karlä sick when he hung up about how sweet he could be. She noticed Randy frowning. "I don't understand how it's so causal to him...like is he not worried to see you?"
Shrugging, Karlä mumbled "Well if he's gonna kill I guess not."
Randy wrapped an arm around her. "Not on my watch."
Breaking instantly away from his embrace, Karlä told him "No I won't let you."
Concern spread on Randy's face. "Why not?"
Karlä sighed. "It's too complicated."
"I don't care if it's complicated Karlä. I promised to protect you. I don't know whether your promises mean anything to you but they sure do to me."
It didn't take long for Karlä to realise she wasn't going to win. "Fine." She then faced him. "But no one else knows."

Mal kept checking her phone. Her sister hadn't replied to the dozen odd messages she'd been sent. The other USWNT players noticed as well. "Does McKenzie know anything?" Tierna suggested. She shook her head. Mal had reached out to her sisters best friend, Brianna...there wasn't much other people who she knew could contact Karlä.
Mallory had wished she'd gotten Randy's number. But was he that much better than Cohen?
Well to be fair, Mal didn't know that much about Cohen.
Yes, she knew he was bad, but that was it.
Karlä never mentioned him and never wanted to. What did Cohen do to Mal's baby sister?

She hadn't been up Elmont street in years, but Karlä still remembered it as if it was yesterday. It was like any other neighbourhood- I guess.
Alyssa Chaperman always had house parties at her home. It helped that her parents were never there. Those gatherings were dodgy. There were many people there that Karlä was sure Alyssa herself didn't know . Alcohol and various drugs were always, discretely, on offer. It was the perfect magnet for all the wrong sorts of people to be attracted to. Unfortunately they were the sort of people that Karlä hung about with.

So she wasn't surprised to see the eventual toll on the building. Two windows appeared to be broken, paint was peeling off the door and the overgrown front lawns had now creeped into the once clearly paved path. "Are you sure we're here?" Cohen asked as they parked onto the side on the bare pavements.
Karlä nodded. "It's where we first met."

"Karlä look who I've found!" Alyssa dragged this handsome looking figure who appeared older than them to her. Briefly looking up, Karlä dismissed her drunk friends talk as her usual babble.
"Yo, what the fuck are you doing?" Ed, Chaperman's older brother had appeared. With a drink in his hand, he took one glance at his friend before telling his sister "Your not fucking with my mate. No offence dude, but I don't trust you with her."
The mystery man didn't appear interested in her anyway. His eyes were only on Karlä. "I know!" Alyssa exclaimed loudly. "I'm setting him up with my friend!"
She must have been drunk because Karlä didn't hear anything at first. Then Alyssa came up to her and whispered "Nows your chance!"
"To do what?" Karlä slurred. Alyssa frowned. "What do you think? I mean I would happily have lost my virginity to him!"
This time, Karlä got it. "What?" She spat out her drink. "I don't wanna have sex!" Rolling her eyes, Alyssa said "And what? Stay a virgin? Go on Karlä. Have fun. You only live once."
With that, Chaperman turned on her heels and wobbled off, presumably to catch someone to go shag.
Karlä looked up to the guy marching up to her. This wasn't going to end well. She knew it.
Looking up, Karlä spoke first. "What are you waiting for?"

Randy stood there. In disbelief. He didn't ask any questions. He knew better to. Karlä decided to break this awkward silence. "Alyssa passed away a couple of years ago." Randy nodded. "Drug overdose I heard?" Karlä sighed. As much as it pained her to say it, the news hadn't shocked her. Chaperman always lived for danger. Even when she knew what would happen in the end.
They were now here. The gate was limp on its hinges and it didn't take much for them to push it out the way. If this wasn't a scene from a horror movie, Karlä didn't know what was.
Going to knock the door, she was surprised that with a simple touch from her knuckle, it swung open. They fumbled for a switch and it turned on, revealing a mess. Karlä raised her eyebrows. This place really hadn't changed from when she was last here. Which we now know what happened.
Straight ahead was the conservatory. Karlä remembered that behind it, was the garden.
"Maybe he's there?" She suggested. Randy shrugged. "I'm right behind you." He reminded her.

The conservatory had all its windows smashed in. No one was in there but in the garden, Karlä could make out a dark figure.
"Randy?" Her eyes widened when it turned around. "It's him."

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