Chapter 21 - Rivals

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The days blurred into one for Izuku, finding himself waking up at random points of the day or night, being fed or fucked by Tomura before being drugged back up again and passing out. Sunday afternoon rolled around and Izuku found himself semi conscious and aching from head to toe. He could hear Tomura pacing up and down the room having an angry conversation with someone on the phone, it sounded as if one of their storage units had been raided by the police the previous night and they had lost at least 10 percent of their stock.

"Get up Izuku, now," Tomura snapped across the room at him and Izuku jumped, moving as quickly as he could while Tomura continued his conversation. Izuku quickly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, using the facilities and washing his face before getting dressed and stepping back out into the hotel room. Tomura stood by the door, a dark brooding look on his face as he was busily texting away. Izuku stood awkwardly for a few moments before gently coughing to get the man's attention.

Tomura's head snapped up and looked Izuku up and down before speaking. "I'm taking you back to the club, come," he spoke before stalking out of the hotel door and down the corridor to the elevator, with Izuku hurrying to keep up behind him stumbling occasionally and barely awake.

5 minutes later they were both buckled in the car and on the way back to the club. Izuku felt awful, the come down was hitting him extremely hard and he just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Before he knew it they had pulled up to the back of the club.

"I want you to be good tonight Izuku..." Tomura muttered looking in the opposite direction to Izuku out of the window, a far away look on his face. Izuku blushed slightly at this, he had always gotten the impression that Tomura cared for him, in his own weird twisted kind of way but he very rarely showed it. Izuku hesitantly placed his hand on Tomura's shoulder making the other man turn to him and gently said "Is there anything I can do to help? I... I want to help..."

Tomura frowned at first but then his expression softened and he shook his head. "No, my world isn't for you Izuku. I've had bigger losses than this before, but my father never sees it that way..." he sighed and stared off into the distance for a few seconds, distracted by his thoughts.

A sudden wave of nausea washed over Izuku and he roughly pressed his face into his hands with a small groan escaping from his lips. A light tap on the top of his head made him begrudgingly look up and he found Tomura's hand outstretched Infront of him with two unassuming pills sitting in his palm.

"Sorry, it's my fault you're coming down so hard, I normally try to wean you off before letting you leave but I couldn't today," Tomura frowned and moved his hand a little closer to Izuku, who glanced down at the pills, then picked them up and dry swallowed them. "Thank you," Izuku said, looking up at Tomura with a sheepish smile. "That should take the edge off till early evening at least," Tomura said with a wink making Izuku laugh. "Now get out, I've got work to do kid." Izuku hurriedly got out of the car and waved as Tomura drove away before entering the back entrance to the club.

- - -

Katsuki hadn't left his room since director Nezu's visit on Friday. His mother had been bringing him food a few times a day but most of it lay untouched on his desk. He had turned his phone off some time on Saturday when news articles had started appearing, reporting the fact that all these photographs had flooded social media and Tokyo University. It hadn't taken long for his name to appear in the articles and more hatred and abuse had started to flood into his inbox along with reporters turning up at this house trying to get his side of the story.

It had been soul destroying to see so much evidence of the pain he had put Izuku through over and over again. Finally Katsuki was unable to deny his feelings and ignore his actions but it was too late for remorse. He had resigned himself to suffering the consequences and locked himself away in his room.

Sometime late Sunday afternoon a knock came at his door which he ignored, assuming it was his mother trying to bring him more food.

"What time even is it?" he mumbled to himself as he lay cocooned in his bedsheets with his back to the door. He heard the door open and someone enter, followed by the door clicking shut again.

"Are you just going to spend the rest of your life sulking?" the unknown masculine voice asked and Katsuki sat bolt upright, whipping around to see the stranger who had entered his room. As he locked eyes with the man he crumpled back against the headboard and let out a groan.

"What do you fucking want half and half?" Katsuki said, exasperation clear from his tone as he rubbed his eyes with his hand. Shoto walked to Katsuki's desk and pulled out the chair, sitting down on the edge and leaning on his knees.

"You look like shit," Shoto said matter of factly, Katsuki just rolled his eyes in response before looking at the other boy in his room and frowned, taking in his disheveled appearance and clear lack of sleep.

"You don't look too hot yourself," Katsuki said, his voice croaking from lack of use, Shoto just shrugged in response and the two boys sat in silence for a while, staring at each other.

Finally Bakugo broke the silence, "Have you come to gloat?" Shoto just frowned at this, a confused look crossing his face.

"Gloat?" he said, sounding bewildered.

"Yes. Gloat. The p-photos...." Katsuki said, trying to sound strong but saying it outloud had been harder than expected.

"The photos that are going around of you raping Izuku? What about them?" Shoto said, still very confused.

"You... you bastard, you're behind them aren't you?" Katsuki spat but only half heartedly. Shoto just shook his head, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"No I didn't, I couldn't do that to Izuku, humiliating him like, it wasn't me."

Katsuki frowned and picked up his phone quickly turning it back on and bringing up the email he had received from the mysterious "T" and thrust his phone at Todoroki so he could read it. Shoto shook his head while he was reading it and then passed the phone back with a deep frown on his face.

"This is very disturbing..." Shoto said softly. Bakugo half shrugged and shoved his phone out of sight.

"If you didn't come to gloat, why are you even here?" Katsuki spoke, his voice showing how tired he was.

"I haven't seen or heard from Izuku since Thursday..." Shoto said, letting the weight of the sentence hang in the air before he continued. "That's over 72 hours ago now...I last saw him in a restroom at the university, I think I upset him a lot more than I intended too and I think I scared him off, he isn't replying to my calls or my messages..." Shoto buried his face in his hands and continued, "I've been to his place, but no one was there. I've looked at the cafe we met in after the last time he disappeared. I've asked around at the university and even asked if they have any more contact information for him but they can't tell me because I'm not f-family..." Shoto's voice finally broke and he began to sob quietly.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't desperate, Bakugo. I'm scared about what he might do to himself if he's alone."

Silence stretched between them as Shoto sobbed into his hands, a knot forming deep inside Katsuki's stomach, knowing exactly where Izuku would most likely be. He knew he couldn't tell Shoto about that place however, as he clearly didn't know already and it wasn't his place to tell him. After a few moments of deliberating he spoke gently, causing Shoto to look up, hope clearly written on his face. "I don't know where he is Todoroki, I'm sorry, I can't help you..." The lie made the knot in his stomach twist uncomfortably as he saw the pain it caused the other boy. "I wish I could help, I'm sor- " but Shoto stood quickly and yanked Katsuki's bedroom door open and stormed out, followed moments later by the front door to the house slamming loudly.

Katsuki sat there shaking for a short while, stealing himself for what he knew he needed to do.

"You need to start repaying him for what you've done..." He whispered to himself, and quickly pulled himself out of his bedsheets and hurried into the bathroom. After a lightning fast shower he pulled on some fresh clothes and grabbed his car keys and phone before bolting out of his room and down the stairs. As he pulled the front door open, he noticed a dozen people standing with cameras and recording equipment across the street, they all started rushing over to him and shouting questions as he dived into his car, heart racing. Quickly firing the car into life he pulled off of his driveway, carefully avoiding the reporters around his car and quickly sped off down the street in the direction of Izuku's club.

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