[2] Jealousy at the Hammerlocke Hotel

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Requested by: @rodnot
Reader: They/Them
AUs: N/A
Prompt: (Part 2) It's Friday and you're going to visit Bede at Ballonlea. What's the worst that can happen?
Warnings: Fluff,  grief mention of a stalker, little bit of angst, fluff, mutual pinning


It was Friday at the city of Ballonlea and the gym was going under a last minute spruce up. The week leading up to the faithful day was full of cleaning, repainting the walls and replacing most of the old furniture with newer models. No one in the gym knew why Bede- the city's gym leader- had suddenly started to renovate it. When the staff asked him they only got vague replies, "It's about time I restored the gym" "The gym looks horrible as it is right now, a make over is in order" etc. It was clear that no one was getting a clear answer from him, so a few of them asked the previous gym leader in hopes of answers.

Opal's answer was a lot more vague.

"It's about time that boy finally saw what was in front of him," she smiled, slowly walking away from the confused staff.

And now, it was Friday, the staff was running back and forth making last minute adjustments to the gym. Ribbons were being placed up in the newly remodeled theater room. The place looked splendid, surely the city could go back to putting on splendid shows there soon.

"Doesn't Bede look... happier than usual today...?" One of the gym staff asked their coworker. Their coworker nodded, placing a hand on their glass's frames.

"Now that you mention it, he's been very keen on remodeling the old theater room"

"He even asked me to put these up," someone else chimed in holding a few pink and blue ribbons.

"I wonder why we're doing this-"

"Are you three slacking off?" Bede asked, approaching the trio with his arms crossed. The group jumped a bit.

"N-no! We weren't! We're very busy! Excuse us!"

Bede watched as the group scattered, hastily finishing their tasks. Bede pinched the bridge of his nose as he did his best to calm himself down. Why was he getting so worked up anyways? You were just visiting, it's not that big of deal... right?

"Bede, dear. You really shouldn't be scaring the staff," Opal chimed in, making Bede turn around quickly. He only caught a glimpse of her staff as she smacked the back of his legs. Her gentle smile still present on her face as she scolded him. "I thought I taught you better than that"

A hiss escaped his gritted teeth. His hands grasped the back of his legs as he crouched. "Opal- I wasn't-"

"I know you're excited for (Y/N) to get here but that's no excuse to be mean" the smile never faltered from her face. Bede winced as she pulled him to his feet, her eyes snapping open as she her smile twisted into a smug look, "I don't think they'd like you if you keeping acting spoiled"

Red crimson washed over Bede's face, his ears burning. His arm flew to his face, in an attempt to hide his obvious increase in body temperature. "W-what are you blabbering about?! I don't like (Y/N)!"

"Oh ho ho!" Opal chuckled, letting Bede go as she looked over the decorative gym. His fingers grasp one of the pink ribbons, she twirled it before nonchalantly speaking to Bede. "I never said you liked them"

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