9: The Longing

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A/N: If you like this story, please support my other BL YiZhan novels which could be found in my profile! 😘


Mind calmed, Xiao Zhan closed the window then faced Wang Yi Bo. He caught him staring at him with a tender expression.

It was the set of stare only someone who had loved and knows how to love could fathom. It was a soul longing for it's other half. But because of their past, Zhan pretended not to comprehend while the other repented, '3 long years' Wang Yi Bo thought. This moment he never thought would come around again.

However, as soon as their eyes met, Yi Bo shrouded his affection. His illusion died as reality slapped him back to the present.

"Yuan is worried about you.", Zhan started.

"Is that the reason you came?" Yi Bo wistfully whispered under his breath mainly to ask himself, but was heard by Zhan.

Zhan avoided the question though, deeming it unnecessary to repost. He continued, "He cried earlier, saying you don't allow him to come visit you."

Yi Bo suddenly felt a tug in his chest. "Cried? I-I just don't want to disturb his studies." His eyes are now down-casted, blaming himself, while thinking about his little brother.

Zhan saw the effect of his play with words, therefore he further pushed the other to allow him to speak the truths he was keeping. Zhan added, "For his sake? Well then, let me tell you the reality. Recently, he can't concentrate in class. And he's fighting the other students as well. He is completely disturbed and stressed incontrary with your delusion that keeping him away is the better option."

Yi Bo gaped back at Zhan, his words hitting him hard. His lips trembled wanting to say something to defend himself, but fought the urge, keeping his lips thin and shut.

Zhan caught this diminutive expression, silently sighing, 'This wouldn't be that easy, would it?'.

Good thing he came prepared. He reached for his phone and slid his fingers across the screen showing an 11 digit number to Yi Bo. "I have your parents' number. As a Teacher, I have the obligation to update them if something happened to a student. Should I give them a call? Or do you want to call them yourself?"

"Don't!" Yi Bo pleaded. "They shouldn't know!"

"They shouldn't know what?!" Xiao Zhan provoked further, pretending oblivious of why.

Yi Bo bit his lower lip then exasperatedly sighed. "They don't know about my accident."

Zhan came nearer him shaking his shoulder, his ignorance pretense still in place. "You...You didn't tell them?"

With an irate note, Yi Bo replied eyeing Zhan with grim warning, "I-did-not. And don't-you-dare."

Xiao Zhan shut his mouth, repressing a laugh. It humors him how vile Yi Bo looks at him, and how he threatens him, while feeling profoundly at ease that he can't do anything to him anyway, with his bed-bound condition at that.

"Don't laugh." Yi Bo scolded Zhan. He saw the small curl on the tip of Xiao Zhan's mouth. Now he understood exactly what he was doing. Instantly, he felt at ease, rubbing his temples then resting his back on the pillows.

"What else do you know?" Yi Bo peacefully asked, allowing the other to sit at the edge of his hospital bed.

"Nothing much." Zhan don't exactly understand what is in Yi Bo's mind. "Why the secrets?" He asked with a concerned smile.

This smile.

Wang Yi Bo shut his eyes closed to repress the urge to stare at him, especially that small spot at the bottom of Zhan's lips. It was too distracting for him.

He took a long and deep breath and stopped himself from bringing back the old feelings he held for him.

Those feelings that kept them apart.

He smiled bitterly to himself. Then tried a friendly composure as he opened his eyes again, keeping all his true feelings hidden.

"It's true, I don't want to disturb Yuan's study. Compared to me, I know he abnormally loves studying."

Zhan silently nodded in agreement, thinking of Yuan and his little brother as well.

The two of them reminds him of the young Yi Bo and himself. Inseparable.

He suddenly remembered the young Yi Bo roaming around the campus during lecture times. How he would just turn up outside his classroom, waiting impatiently for him...tugging him wherever, whenever he saw something which he thought would entertain him. But he did not allow himself to be soaked-in with those memories. With forced indifference, he shook those memories away. Those memories which bear heartaches as well.

Watching Zhan grew quiet and smile faltering, Yi Bo felt he needed to speak to break the awkward silence. "With my parents? They deserve a breather. They're always working hard, so I don't want to spoil their vacation. They'll be back in a few weeks, by then hopefully I have recovered. If not fully, at least half-way." The last two phrases sounded more of a hopeless wish. They both know, his recovery would take months and not just weeks.

"What about the visitors? What about the 'Get lost' 'Get out' 'I don't need your pity' outbursts?" Zhan smilingly teased wavering the topic earning a bluffed growl from Yi Bo.

He replied honestly, unmasking a hidden sadness within him. "I just want to be...


Zhan wordlessly nodded interpreting those words directed to him. He realized quite late that maybe he had meddled too much and that he had stayed too long than what he'd intended.

He decided he should give him the space he needed.

Yi Bo caught Zhan's attempt to leave, unconsciously he grasped Zhan's hand with his casted broken arm, making him wimper in pain. Yet, he remained clutching Zhan's hand. "Don't go.", he begged.

Xiao Zhan dumbfoundedly looked at him. Warmth travelling from where their skin was connected, lingering where his heart lies.

"Don't leave. Don't leave me again."


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