11: The Rumor

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Inside the principal's office, Teacher Zhan and the principal have a heated discussion. The principal thinks that Zhan was asking a bit too much for someone who is new to the faculty. "Teacher Zhan, do you not know how difficult it is to find for a substitute in such a short notice?! You're not even connected by blood to do this much for him! Let his family take care of him, huh?"

They've thought the conversation was secured between the four walls of the room, unfortunately, there were ears on the walls--eavesdropping as the two exchange words.


Xiao Jian and Wang Yuan are walking to their next class, when one of their classmates who happened to hear Teacher Zhan and the principal's conversation, ran towards them, panting he said, "T-Teacher Zhan is arguing with the principal!"

Jian and Yuan looked at each other then back to their classmate, Cheng, shocked and skeptical.

"Aish!" Cheng ruffled his hair in annoyance. "He was asking to decrease his workload by lessening his classes! Saying he needed to take care of a sick friend! And the old man isn't happy about it!"

"Sick friend?" Yuan and Jian again stared at each other. Their guts, shouting the same name.

"Is it...?" Jian started then stopped as he saw Yuan's shocked expression.

"My brother...and your brother...they do know each other?" Suddenly, they both understood that there is a covert connection between their older brothers.

They both recollected, how Wang Yi Bo knew where the Zhan brothers live.

But it took more toll to Jian.

He remembered the slight smile in his brother's face during the parent-teacher meeting as Zhan said, 'You've changed a lot.'

So it pertained to Brother Yi Bo? But why did they seem to pretend not to know each other?

When he asked Zhan if he knew Yi Bo, what answer did he get then? Nothing.

Why did his brother accompany him to Yi Bo's motorbike race? How did he instantly knew where Yi Bo was hospitalized after the accident? Why did his always calm brother drove so fast to get in there?

Jian knew there was something more he needed to learn about their relationship...and their past.

But despite the mysteries, a sly smirk escaped his lips, it seems now he knows where his brother had been last night. He remarked almost laughing, "So, they are that close!"

"You ignorant brat!" Cheng gave Jian a tap on the head. "Don't you know they were very good friends back then?!"

Jian and Yuan, gave Cheng an unknowing look. How come they did not know?

Cheng continued as they walked towards the gym, "Brother Yi Bo was a freshman and Teacher Zhan was a senior when they met. They're like glue sticked together, but suddenly they grew apart."

Cheng knows this much as his sister is an avid fan of the two campus heartthrobs. Her room was full of their posters, and when she was in high school, whenever she opens her mouth, the two names always comes out of it.

Thinking about the days when all Cheng hears when at home is how cool, adorable, and perfect Xiao Zhan and Wang Yi Bo are, made his temples throb. Then suddenly he remembered, the day his sister was bawling her eyes out.

"R-rumors say..."

Cheng thought twice before continuing with a sigh,

"B-brother Yi Bo confessed to Teacher Zhan, that's why he left the country."

Like robots who have ran out of battery, Yuan and Jian's stride halted. Then in a blink of an eye, Yuan is already clutching Cheng's collar, "Impossible! My brother has lots of girls tumbling over his feet, whom he toys around his hands! How could he be...!"

"Could be what?"

The voice and words made the three look at their sides.

One of the subjects of their dispute is now walking towards them, calm and collected as usual.

"T-Teacher Z-Zhan?"

Author's note:

Another short update! Thank you everyone for the comments and votes 💕
I sincerely hope, I don't disappoint you with the progress of this story.

Thing to ponder about this chapter, "Is that rumor true?"


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