Work and Boyfriends

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The first day was much harder than you thought it'd be. The students were split into to glaringly obvious groups, those that didn't give a shit, choosing to cause trouble instead of paying attention and those those who wanted to do good but felt there was no hope in improving their academics. It was a sad sight indeed.

You, being their new teacher, were able to pique their curiosity at least, part of it was you being a young female teacher and therefore, a hit with the boys. Between the occasional interruptions you were able to spend some time getting to know the classes and seeing where they were in their lessons, it didn't hurt to double check where your starting place should be with them.

When the last class filed out of the room, you immediately began busying yourself with changing parts of the lesson plans. There was a ton to do and you felt there wasn't enough time left in the day to get through all of it, but you could get something done at least. You spent a few grueling hours behind that desk, hating that the textbooks were so outdated. It wasn't easy to work with the older books but you'd make it one way or another.

Maybe it was because you were new at the job, but you wanted to make sure the kids actually learned something in your class without being bored to death. Being fresh out of college yourself, you didn't care for lectures that droned on and on. It made more sense to make whatever you were teaching them a bit more interesting than them taking notes and falling asleep in class.

After a while you were satisfied with what you'd completed so far and decided to go home. You took your work with you though, just in case you felt like getting more of it done.

The walk back was a bit nicer than the walk to work. There was a chilly bite to the air reminding you fall was just about here and winter wouldn't be far off. The tattooed doctor was no where to be seen but his clinic was still open. It was safe to assume he was still there, just not eyeing women that passed by from the steps anymore.

As you approached the garage that your blonde neighbor and his redheaded friend were at, your phone went off. To your delight, it was your boyfriend, Alec.

"Hey babe." You answered, glad to have a chance to talk to him.

You glanced into the garage as you passed, seeing the same two men from this morning working on an expensive looking car together with their heads down. The redhead's eyes flicked in your direction for a split second as his face contorted into a sneer.

"Hey (Y/n), how was your first day at work?" His voice came out smooth and sultry and god you loved it.

"Not bad, there's a lot of adjustments I'm going to have to make, you should see the plans they left for me. It's a total disaster." The smile that graced your lips would be impossible to miss, talking with him made your day.

"I'm not surprised with that part of town, the schools there are rough I hear."

"Rough doesn't even begin to describe it." You huffed.

"Speaking of that, are you keeping anything on you for protection? That area in general is bad, not just the schools." He questioned, losing the sexy tone.

"Not yet, but things aren't too bad here. The worst thing is the noise so far."

Alec didn't like you moving to this particular city from the get go but he understood what this job meant to you. It may not have been in your ideal location, but it was still what you wanted to do.

"...Alright. When will you be home?" He wasn't convinced noise was going to stay the biggest problem but you couldn't blame him. You lived alone in a city with the highest crime rate around.

"I'm heading in now actually." You turned the corner to your apartment building and got inside quickly, trying to avoid the nasty smelling pile of trash that was still on the sidewalk.

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