Alone Time

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"Got everything?" Heat asked, shouldering a bag for you.






"Bras and–"

"Heat, I got it all." He was acting like your mom right before a long trip and it was a bit much for you.

"If you say so."

He followed you out the door and waited for you to lock up before heading downstairs. You were all set to stay holed up in the garage for the next two weeks at least but Kid was sure it'd only be a few days. He had been in a good mood since everyone started getting ready for whatever he had planned. It wasn't hard to tell he loved this part of his work.

Honestly, everyone seemed to be in better moods and ready to get to work. Killer and Wire were more talkative, Heat had a constant glint in his eye and a bounce in his step, Kid was more handsy and smiley. It was....interesting.

"It's nice seeing you and Kid getting along better." Heat said as he guided you down the street.

"It's been nice for me too." You smiled. "I didn't think he'd get over Bonney so fast."

"He didn't. I think he's still a little hung up on her but you've helped him a lot."

Now you frowned. You couldn't tell that he still felt something for her. He never brought her up or sulked about her leaving. He'd only been in high spirits since you pulled him out of his funk.

"How can you tell? I thought he was past that."

Heat shrugged. "He really liked her and that's rare for Kid. He trusted her and she ruined that. Watch him when he thinks you aren't paying attention, you'll see."

"I guess it'd be too much to have him give her up so fast." You sighed, feeling a little guilty.

Part of you still felt something for Alec. It wasn't much, but it was still there. As much as you didn't want to, you still cared for him in some strange way. It made sense that Kid would feel the same when it came to Bonney.

"Heat, do you think I rushed him?"

"No." He paused for a minute before continuing. "You've been around for a while now. Kid's used to you being here and I think he needed you to stick around and make demands."

"I don't make demands."

"You told him he couldn't have anyone else. That was making a demand."

"It wasn't a crazy one. In fact, I think it's normal to not want to be someone's side piece."

"I never said it was. Kid's just not used to someone telling him what he should or shouldn't do unless it's Killer. Women are usually meek around him and he likes that you aren't."

"So you're saying Kid and I work?"


Was that why the whole group did more than tolerate you? Did they like you because they figured you were a more permanent fixture to Kid's life? That made you feel happy. Happier than you'd been in a while. And that was saying something since you'd been feeling pretty good since Kid had been treating you better.


When you got back the the garage, everyone was on the move. It was like a whirlwind of activity and you weren't quite sure what to do. There were a bunch of strange men bustling about as Killer and Wire shot orders at them and handed them things to take out to vehicles. Some were just boxes, others were armloads of guns. They had to be the rest of Kid's crew, the men farther down on the food chain that weren't allowed to come and go around the garage as they pleased like you could. It made you feel a little more important than them.

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