Shopping with the Guys

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"I thought you guys would have left by now." You got back to the garage, freshly showered and in a new change of clothes.

Heat and Wire were there as well and everyone looked ready to get their little shopping trip done.

"We're putting you to work too." Kid gave you one of his award winning mischievous smiles.

"Delightful." You sighed.

The garage looked impeccably clean. Somewhat empty, but clean. Anything you and Kid missed before you left was taken care of by Killer probably. Even the car didn't look as bad. The worst of the dents were popped back out and all the glass inside of it seemed to be cleared out. You'd never seen a more efficient man.

"We'll take the truck." Killer jingled his keys as he marched past the small group and out the garage.

His truck was parked down the street a little ways and the seating arrangements in it went just as you expected. Killer behind the wheel, Kid riding shotgun, and you sandwiched between Heat and Wire. The back seats were made to sit three but not if two of said three were muscle heads. Personal space wasn't a thing for the entire ride.

But it was tolerable. They were happy to see you again and chatted your ear off like a couple of kids. It made you wonder if they got attached to all the girls that came and went in Kid's life or if you were a special case. You'd have to ask about that when he wasn't around. It was hard to tell if he was still touchy about Bonney or not.

You got your chance to talk to him alone sooner than you thought. When Killer got to your destination, you and Kid went one way in the store while the others went another. You gave yourself a bit to gauge his current mood, it changed faster than the weather around this city. He was taking his time, ambling around as he tossed different tools into the cart you were following him behind with. From what you could tell, he was doing pretty good. That made it as good of a time as any to talk to him.

"So Bonney." You started slowly, eyeing the tools on the shelves as he glanced at you with a slight frown.

"What about her?" He growled.

"She had you all kinds of pissed off last night. Why the complete 180 today?"

A rachet set was thrown into the growing pile in the cart.

"I can't work if I'm focused on her." Kid bent down to talk a little more quietly in your ear. "But rest assured, if I see her again there's going to be hell to pay on her part."

You didn't doubt that.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, focusing once again on the shopping.

You shrugged, even though he didn't see it. "You don't have a girlfriend anymore."

"So? I don't need one. She was a mistake." He grinned as he let his gaze wander up and down your body. "I'll stick to casual fucks."

"Always the charmer." You murmured.

He chuckled.

Now came the part that had been bothering you.


He turned to you, giving you his full attention just as you wanted. He had to understand you were serious.

"I don't want you having other partners." No suggesting he didn't go looking for others, no begging, no pleading.

"What if I say no?"

"I wasn't asking Kid."

It felt like some sort of stand off. He stared at you like he was just waiting for you to back down and you met his eyes with the same level of determination. You weren't going to back down.

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