Change of Attitude

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A phone vibrated across the bedside table and Kid let out a frustrated groan behind you.

"I got it." You fumbled for the device as he clung to you, nuzzling in between your shoulder blades.

He kept you overnight to decompress a bit. It turned into both of you sleeping the rest of the day and through the night and him using you like a body pillow the entire time. You never thought he'd be such an emotional guy over a breakup but you were very wrong.

"'Lo?" You had a hard time forming the word in your half asleep state.

"(Y/n) you're not home." Killer stated on the other end.

"No, I'm not jailbait." You shifted around to curl up into Kid's chest for the warmth. He let you before nuzzling into your hair.

"...Where are you?"

"The garage."

"Are you serious? I told you not to go there!"

Kid could hear everything and he wasn't liking what was being said. "She's fine Killer...."

"Kid didn't hurt you?" He asked in disbelief.

"No. He wasn't even that scary."

"Was too." Kid retaliated grumpily.

"Shush." You covered the sleepy man's mouth.

Killer sighed on the other end. "Well if things are fine I'll be over later to assess the damage."

"Sounds good, the place needs cleaned up something fierce. I can do a bit to help but I've gotta run a quick errand when you get here."

Kid smirked against your hand and slid his tongue out from between his lips, dragging it across your skin.

"Don't lick me!" You jerked your hand away and wiped it off on the sheets.

"...I'll take my time coming over." Killer hung up, assuming Kid was getting frisky with you.

You wiggled out of Kid's grasp and got out of bed. After sleeping in the same clothes you wore yesterday, you wanted nothing more than to go home, shower, and get into something clean. But you didn't think it'd be a good idea to leave Kid alone. For now you'd just have to wait until Killer came over, which may be a while thanks to the annoying redhead.

"I'm going to see what I can clean up downstairs before Killer gets here."

Kid bared his teeth into a smile as he stretched in bed, the bare muscles of his torso taut and too hard not to stare at.

"Where are you going when he does?"

"Home to shower and change."

"That's not an errand."

"Sure feels like it." You sighed and pulled on your boots, not wanting to step in glass when you got down there.

"I'll go with you."

"How about you help Killer clean up the mess you made?"

He frowned, a look of annoyance taking over his features. "When did you start telling me what I need to do?"

Of course he was going to be difficult. "I just need a bit of time to myself. It'll be an hour, tops, and I'll be back."

You headed downstairs before he could retort. Kid would probably try to argue more when he decided to come down as well but you'd take the minute it'd take for him to do that to find a broom and start sweeping.

After nosing around near the office, you found a push broom hanging from a hook on the wall. Perfect. You grabbed it and started with the shattered glass near the car, pushing it all into a neat little pile. When you began cleaning up all the surrounding dirt and general mess to add to the pile, Kid came downstairs. He was still shirtless but he had on shoes at least.

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