Take Your Pick

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It'd been a few days since the date with Kid. While you liked how much better he was behaving, it was taking a bit to adjust to the change. It was like the break up with Bonney was his wake up call and he was making up for the non-stop attitude he had been giving you for the longest time.

Before, you had found a way to work with him by avoiding him whenever you'd gotten the chance. Using your little free time to unwind and mentally prepare yourself for him. Now, it was much easier to spend time at the garage with the group. Kid didn't snap or give you any sly comments. He wasn't dragging you upstairs to satisfy himself and then pretending you weren't there.

In fact, he hasn't touched you since everything went down. It'd been about a week and it was throwing you off. Kid wasn't one to put off sex when it was readily available. You two have still been sharing a bed and he was clingy as usual, but that was it. That had you a little worried about him, but you ignored that for the time being. There was one important thing you still had to take care of.

It was about time you tried calling Shanks again. You hadn't talked to him since last time you called and he refused to hear your answer. Of course it didn't change. If anything, you were more confident in your choice to stay with Kid. You were really starting to like him and you didn't want to ruin what you had. It took too long to get him to this point.

You left the garage that morning, convincing the guys you'd only be gone for a short while to go do laundry and you'd be back soon. There hadn't been a need for them to follow you around for a while but they liked to tag along from time to time still, Heat and Wire especially.

It was freezing outside as fat snowflakes fell to the ground and piled up on the sidewalk and road. Some buildings had flashing, colorful strings of lights decorating them for the holidays. It reminded you that it might not be a bad idea to get something for each of the guys. Or at least bake something for them. Cake didn't feel right but they might like a pie or cookies. You'd think about it more after the call.

When you got home you tossed a load of clothes in the washer. Laundry actually did need to get done, so it wasn't just an excuse to talk to Shanks. Some of the clothes you tossed in belonged to the guys. They'd strip off layers sometimes and forget their stuff at your place now. It was hard to tell if you were more of a friend or a mother for them.

With that done, you poked your head around the curtains of your living room window and watched outside as you dialed Shanks' number. You didn't want one of the guys walking in and surprising you. He picked up almost immediately. The man had to have been on edge with the wait you gave him.

"It's been a while (Y/n)." Shanks purred. Though he tired to sound cool and collected, you could hear how he almost rushed his words. It made you wonder how many women had this same effect on him.

"Sorry, things got a little busy."

"No worries. When are you thinking of coming over?"

"That's why I'm calling." You gnawed at your bottom lip, rolling it between your teeth. "I can't be coming over anymore Shanks. Kid and I worked things out and I'd like to stay with him."

He sighed on the other end of the line. It was heavy and defeated. He'd lost a fight with Kid he didn't even realize was happening. Shanks thought he had you without even trying up until the break up.

"I was afraid you'd say that. And here I thought we had something."

"I never promised you a relationship, I told you from the start I just needed a companion." You weren't going to fall for a guilt trip, Yonko or not.

"As true as that is, it still breaks my heart."

"Don't kid yourself Shanks, we don't love each other."

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