(Almost) Home

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You started with moving your fingers and then worked on rotating your protesting wrists. Your arms and legs came next, moving very slowly and not without some level of protest.

You were in some kind of hospital, stuck in a small room on a bed with an iv drip attached to one arm. On the other side, a machine beeped occasionally, monitoring your vitals. There was no one else around and you were grateful for that. It gave you time to take in your surroundings and let your foggy memories come back to you.

When you lifted the edge of the blanket up, you saw that someone had managed to get you into a gown and your many cuts had been properly cleaned and bandaged. It went without saying that more than a few of them would scar. The bruises that weren't covered were sickly shades of purple still, a few tinged with yellow around the edges. You assumed that meant you hadn't been out for too long.

Tentatively, you tried to sit up, only to stop when you got halfway there. Your stomach felt like it was on fire and refused to let you go any further while a shrill beeping suddenly started. You fell back down with a surprised yelp.

After a very annoying couple of minutes, a rather annoyed Law swept into the room and made it to your bedside. He reached over you, pressed a button above your head that was just out of sight, and the sound was cut.

"Don't try to get up again (Y/n)-ya." He chastised you. "You're in no shape to be up and moving yet."

"Am I–" Your voice came out as a pitiful croak so you cleared your throat and tried again. "Am I at your shady looking clinic?"

"Shady?" His icy stare fell on you as he frowned. "This clinic is better than any other doctor's office in the city, I can promise you that. Now tell me how you're feeling before I decide to toss you out."

"Harsh today, aren't we?"

"Eustass-ya has been breathing down my neck about you and I'm just about done with him. I'd like to get you out of here as soon as possible so I can avoid having to see him so much."

"Ah." You nodded. Their strange rivalry was wearing on him it seemed. "Well I'd like out of here too so if I said I felt just peachy would you let me go?"

"I'd definitely think on it."

"Great then, never been better."

"Well you're good enough to give me attitude." He sighed as he checked the bag at the end of the drip. It was getting low on whatever it had inside of it. "But I'd rather not risk Eustass-ya blowing up on me if you're back to him hardly functioning either. You'll rest here for the day and if you can get out of bed by yourself tomorrow, I'll let you go."

You'd never seen a drip bag or whatever you call it get changed out so fast. He had another one nearby, like he was planning on having to change it out soon.

"And what if I don't want to wait that long?"

"You're going to anyway." He smirked at you and tapped a finger against the bag. "You're going to be too drugged up to move soon enough."

Your face fell. "That's underhanded."

"Whatever keeps my patients from killing themselves." Law took a seat in an empty chair to your left and you twisted your neck around enough to watch him.

He snagged a clipboard hanging off the side of your bed and began writing something on the paper attached to it. You didn't get to watch the doctor for long, he wasn't kidding about being too drugged up to move. In a matter of a few minutes, you began to feel light, painless, and drowsy. A few more, and you were out like a light.


Through a major amount of effort, you brought your hand to your face and rubbed at your eyes, groaning lightly. Your head was fuzzy and felt how tv static looked. Your body felt even more strange, like you were almost floating. As your senses returned to you one by one, you became aware of some shuffling to your left and you were reminded of Law sitting there.

The Devil's Playground (Kid X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon