You're Not Worth It

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"Fuck me." You groaned, searching your bag hastily.

Your keys were missing and you didn't notice it until now since Alec had the door already unlocked for you when you got home yesterday. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes, thinking of when you could have lost them.

The garage.

You fell over after running into that Luffy guy and Kid was kicking your stuff around. There was a good chance your keys got pushed around then and with the attitude the two of you had, it wasn't surprising that you didn't take the time to make sure you had everything before leaving. If Killer hadn't left yet you could ask him about it, asking the landlord to make you a spare would be a pain.

You left your apartment door unlocked, just in case you were being an idiot and they were still there, and headed down to the second floor. Sure enough, Killer was heading down the next flight of stairs. You were able to catch up to him on the first floor, a little out of breath. He had long legs and was difficult to catch up to.

"Uh, Killer was it?" You approached cautiously.

He turned to face you silently, shaggy bangs covering his eyes.

"I'm missing something important and I think it may be in the garage you work at. It must have fallen out of my bag yesterday and I didn't notice."

"What're you looking for?" He asked, waving you along to join him.

"My keys..." It was the worst thing you could lose.

"Kid found a spare set so that's probably it. They should be in our office."

You breathed a sigh of relief. "You're my hero right now."

He grunted in response but you didn't miss the slight smile that played across his lips. You walked with him in silence the rest of the way to the shop. It would've felt awkward normally but he was always this quiet around you and you had a lot on your mind as it was. You were going to call Alec later and meet up with him for your talk.

Or so you thought.

You were confused as to what he was doing in the exact same place you were going, even more so when you noticed the woman he had with him. Without thinking, you tugged the back of Killer's shirt, making him pause to look at you before entering the garage. He still didn't say anything but he checked your line of sight and nodded. It didn't take much for him to catch on.

You leaned against the opening of the building, watching your soon to be ex wrap an arm around the orange haired woman's waist as he talked with Kid. An unfamiliar car was parked inside, probably belonging to the woman and if you had to guess, he was either picking her up while it got worked on or paying for the labor himself.

Kid stopped talking with Alec when he noticed you and Killer, raising a non-existent eyebrow at the two of you.

"When did you get all buddy buddy with her Killer?" He asked, much more nicely than he had yet to talk to you.

The look on Alec's face when he turned around was priceless. It made you wish you had thought about pulling out your phone for a picture.

"Uh, (Y-Y/n) what are you doing here?" He quickly withdrew from the girl and she turned with a puzzled expression.

"Killer can you get those keys so I can make sure they're mine? I have to take care of something real fast." You smiled up at the man but he noticed how angry you were.

"Sure." He nodded and brushed past the group.

"Do you know her?" The other woman was beginning to catch on. He was playing you both.

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