Close Encounter

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"What're you doing?" You mumbled, having just been woken up.

"Shut up." Kid commanded as he pinned you to the bed and prodded around your shoulder and chest wounds.

"Don't touch there." It came out a little slurred from sleep.

"I can touch wherever I want now shut up." He snapped as he lightly massaged around the now much smaller and yellow bruises on your neck.

They didn't hurt anymore, the week had passed and you were healing up well. The only thing that really troubled you still was how itchy your shoulder and head felt sometimes.

"I'd say you're healed up enough for me." He nipped along your collarbone and pulled your shirt up.

After a couple nights at your place, Kid dragged you back to his for the bigger bed. Now he sounded ready to put it to use. You knew this day was coming but weren't by any means ready for it. You just got out of a three year relationship for fuck's sake.

"Kid, no." You groaned, pushing at his face.

"Kid, yes." He snickered, pinning your hands to the bed as he kissed you, shoving his tongue into your mouth without warning.

It only encouraged him more when you let out a whine, making him grind his hips into yours.

"K-kid I'm going to be late for work." You gasped the words out as he moved to your neck, biting down roughly on the soft flesh to mark you.

"Don't care, I need to fuck."

He sat back on your legs and pulled his shirt off before yanking yours over your head as well.

"W-wait!" You grasped for the shirt but he discarded it before you could touch the material.

"Tell me to stop one more time and I'll take you up the ass." He snarled. "Remember our deal sweetheart."

You let out a frustrated groan, knowing there was no arguing now. You'd let him get his fun in and hurry to the school.

Kid took that as your deciding to give in and reached around you to unclasp your bra, throwing it off to the side with your shirt. With a hardly contained growl he latched onto a breast, rolling your nipple around with his tongue and nipping the surrounding skin. He was much more assertive than Alec ever was and it was totally new to you. He had been your first and only partner, until now that is.

You felt cold metal reach your other breast as he began to knead it. The difference in temperature gave you goosebumps and made you shiver, much to his delight.

"You and Heat have been getting along quite well lately. Whaddya say we remind him who's toy you are?" He laughed, getting off of you long enough to pull down your pants and fully expose yourself to him. "Fuck you have some real nice curves you've been hiding."

"Sh-shut up and get it done." You blushed and turned away to avoid looking him in the eye.

"Nah, we're going to take our time." He lowered himself to kiss down your belly slowly, snickering each time you jolted from the contact. "And something tells me that ex of yours didn't know how to make you scream."

He licked his lips and planted a wet kiss just above your womanhood. You bit your lip to keep yourself from moaning but you couldn't fight it when he dug his fingers into your hips and dragged his tongue along your folds.

"That's a good girl." He hummed.

It was impossible to stop the mewls and cries you let out in response to him. You couldn't even stop yourself from grasping at his crimson locks and moving your hips to meet his tongue as you felt your core heating up quickly.

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