Times Two

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"Oi, get your shit out of here and steer clear until I say otherwise." Kid tossed your clothes at you as you stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower.

It'd been a couple weeks since the party and he'd acted like nothing happened since then. You almost wished it was enough to make him not want you around anymore but alas, despite his initial anger at you, he still deemed you interesting enough to keep around. Possibly even more so as you were the only woman willing to go toe to toe with him according to Killer and company.

"Ohhhh a vacation. Sounds nice." You snatched the clothes out of the air and started getting dressed.

There wasn't anything else here, you didn't like making him think you were getting comfortable with him so you only brought one change of clothes over at a time.

"Sure, whatever you want to call it." His painted lips were set in a small smile and for some reason, that bothered you. It looked genuine but you could tell it wasn't meant for you.

"Why the sudden generosity?" You asked, suddenly suspicious about what he had going on.

"My girlfriend is coming over."

"I'm sorry, your what?"

"What're you, deaf? My girlfriend. So clear out."

"What the actual fuck Kid?" You didn't like him but you liked the idea of him laying with multiple women even less.

"I told you, you're my woman, not my girlfriend. That title is already taken by someone else. Now go." He set into his oh so familiar snarl and pointed at the stairs.

"You're a real piece of work Eustass." You grabbed your phone and bag, stomping down the stairs. As you marched past the rest of the crew you snapped at them just as angrily. "Thanks for letting me know your man whore of a boss had a girlfriend guys!"

You didn't bother looking at them as you sped walked down the sidewalk and back home. You were pissed, but at least Kid didn't have one of the guys escorting you around anymore. If any one of them had tagged along they would have gotten a healthy amount of pepper spray to the face. You would have appreciated the heads up about Kid's relationship status from someone.

As soon as you got home you pulled out your phone and called Nami. You hadn't known her long but she understood these gang types well and actually enjoyed hearing your drama. Of course you listened to hers as well, you tried not to be a shitty friend.

"Hey (Y/n), what's up?" She answered, chipper as ever.

"I have a question for you." You paused as she hummed in response. "How common is it for these dumb ass men to have more than one partner?"

"It depends, I've heard some of the guys higher up on the food chain like having more than one and then there's men like Whitebeard who have none."

"What about guys like Shanks?" You asked curiously.

"Shanks? I've heard he's had a few women in his life before but never more than one at a time. Why him, do you have a thing for redheads?"

"Well, I think he has a thing for teachers....."

"Seriously? That'd be a real upgrade from Kid." You could practically hear her smiling on the other end.

"Yeah, Kid's on my shit list right now. He didn't tell me he had a girlfriend and he wants me to temporarily stay away from the shop until she's gone. I'm guessing she doesn't come around much."

"Ouch, that's gotta be like Alec all over again."

"It is, except I don't love him. I still don't like sharing though, is that bad?"

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