Take Your Time

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You woke with a groan. Talking so much the night before was a terrible idea. With the drugs it was easy, it didn't hurt. Without them, your throat felt like it was on fire. Everything else hurt just as badly, if not worse. Your shoulder ached and pinched no matter how you moved it, the cut on your chest itched, your wrist was beyond sore, and you had one killer migraine going on. All at the same time. The worst hangover couldn't hold a candle to how you felt now.

Quit your whining and take this." Kid placed a glass of water and a couple pills on the end table.

Him bringing you meds was all well and dandy. Him doing just that while stark naked was not.

"Put on some clothes!" You rasped, burying your head in the sheets.

"I live here, I can go around naked if I want." He grumbled as he walked away, heading to his closet.

You did your best to not look at him but the guy was good looking from behind. His skin was porcelain with rippling muscles covering every inch of him. And you had to admit, he had a great ass. With a sigh, you tore your eyes away from him and sat up, grateful you were still dressed even if your clothes were a mess. You took the pills he brought, washing them down with the water before getting up.

Everything was pretty sore, but you could move just fine. When you glanced back over to Kid he had pants on and a form fitting black shirt. The sleeve around his mechanical arm was torn off to allow it free range of motion as it was a bit bigger than his real one. He must have to ruin a lot of clothes to work with that thing.

You glanced around the room, noticing a door leading to a small bathroom and a few other miscellaneous items strewn about the room. There was a pull out couch off to the side by the closet but you had a feeling he didn't sleep there after giving you the bed.

"Please don't tell me we both slept in the bed last night." You winced as you spoke, deciding that you were going to need cough drops to get through the next couple days.

"Of course we did." He turned to you, smiling widely. "It's my bed and it's plenty big enough for two people. You're my woman anyway so what's it matter?"

You frowned and shook your head. There was no point in arguing with him, you did basically agree to his terms. Not like you had much of a choice though.

"Whatever, I'm going home."


"So I can be alone for the day. I have work tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it as it is, I need time alone before then."

"Don't go to work for a few days. Problem solved." He scoffed as he sauntered over to you. "And gimme your phone."

"Okay first off, I can't just not go to work. It won't be easy for them to cover for me. Secondly you can not have my phone." You put your hands on your hips and stared up at him defiantly.

"I don't think you understand this relationship we're in." He spoke low and carefully, making sure each word sunk in as he got closer and grasped your jaw with metallic fingers. "You're not my girlfriend, you're my woman. What I say goes and I'm telling you to let your boss know you aren't coming in for a few days. Now give me your phone so I can put mine and Killer's numbers in there."

Dealing with this man was going to be a real feat. "It's in my bag and I don't know where that is right now."

"Downstairs." He released you and grabbed a pair of heavy work boots as he went down the stairs. You followed after, not having much of a choice and wanting to be able to leave as soon as possible. "Where do you live?" He asked curtly, not even looking in your direction as he marched straight towards your bag that was left on the table you occupied the night before.

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