Patch Up and Go

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Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.

You panicked as you stared at your phone first thing in the morning. In your drunken stupor, you'd told Kid you loved him. While that was bad, the worst part was he didn't say anything back. That could mean so many things.

He could've gotten caught up in work and didn't have the time. He could have decided that he didn't really feel anything for you and didn't want to say anything. Or it could be the complete opposite. Either way, not knowing was stressing you out. It would've been so much easier to relax if he gave you a solid answer back, even if it was a rude, snarky one.

You didn't even know if you really loved him. Drunk you sure did. As far as you could tell, you liked him now. You enjoyed his company and found yourself relaxing around him more than you ever had in the past, despite his career choice. Last night you did miss him and the gang. A lot. Enough that you decided to drink to..... Okay. Maybe you did feel something for him.

You groaned as you got to your feet, ignoring the pounding headache all the drinking gave you. So much for the glass of water you had the night before curbing it. For now, you were going to have to find other ways to keep your mind busy until he came back so you could try and convince him you were just too drunk to know what you were doing.

That drew an even louder groan from you. Why should you care what he thought about the text? This whole thing was some stupid arrangement from the get go. You were his on call fuck buddy for the longest time. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. You were just too selfish to share and now you'd caught feelings. What kind of twisted bullshit was this?

You stomped into the bathroom and stripped to take a shower. It'd help your hangover and possibly wash away your thoughts of Kid along with the grime from cleaning last night. Or so you thought. If anything, it gave your mind more time to wander to him. His rough smiles, fiery attitude, passionate kisses, the way he touched you....

Nope. Time to stop while you're ahead. Do not think about him. He'd probably laugh at you for how your mind traveled, smirk with snobby pride at how flustered he left you. Hell, you could think about the most abstract things and still probably find a way to connect it to him. Getting the redhead out of your mind was going to be no easy task. Especially with so little to do around the place. You could get creative though. It was just a few days.


The only other time you'd ever seen such a clean garage or workspace was when you stepped foot in the brand new auto repair place back in your home town. This place was far from new, but it almost looked like it was, minus the oil stains on the concrete of course. You weren't sure if that could ever be cleaned up.

But besides that, the place was impeccably clean. There was no dust or dirt in sight. You'd cleaned each individual tool if only for the sake of staying busy. They were still new but apparently things got dirty around here real fast and they were no exception. You even reorganized them. There was a slim chance the guys would appreciate that though. They each had their own way they liked to organize their tools and you completely disregarded that. At least it kept you busy.

The office was a mess as well so you spent time fixing up the space and filing all the paperwork they had lying about. That was actually pretty easy. Killer had some sort of filing system that you were able to follow and get everything in it's proper place. The bottle of bourbon you had taken up to the room was in the back of the liquor cabinet, far out of sight and out of mind. You'd never drink that stuff again. Not after that episode a couple days ago.

You had to admit, you were rather proud of the work you put in and were excited to see the guys' reaction when they saw the fruits of your labor. But you doubted it'd stay this nice forever. You'd give it about a week after they got back to work here for it to be ruined. And that even felt generous to you.

The Devil's Playground (Kid X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora