Aim and Fire

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Happy birthday TsundereNami-chan! Have a second update for the day~

This day was only getting more and more interesting as it went and it had practically just begun. First you thought everyone would go with you and Kid. Turns out it was just you two. Which was strange enough. He didn't do things or go places with you. Suddenly he was.

He borrowed Killers truck and left him the keys to his car. Kid drove a car that was made more for the streets than the middle of no where so the truck was the better option. Then he took you to breakfast. Or what could be considered doing that in his book. It was more he took you through a Starbucks drive thru for coffee and food. He even paid for it all.

You didn't think he was capable of doing something so nice. Except from what you could tell, he did things like this for Bonney. Still, you'd enjoy it while you could. This was probably some post break up nonsense he was going through, that was the conclusion you came to at least.

The drive took about an hour, plenty of time for him to eat enough to feed a small army and drink two large cups of coffee. You worked through your breakfast at a much more relaxed pace, enjoying the white scenery as you passed it. It had snowed a few inches last night and the further out of the city you got, the prettier it was. Office and apartment buildings gave way to trees and rolling hills and the snow looked more untouched.

You weren't sure how shooting in the cold weather was going to go but you were bundled up well enough that you could handle it for a few hours at least. When Kid pulled off onto some gravel path you couldn't see, the guns and boxes of ammo in the back were jostled around at every bump. He'd brought a small selection along, saying he'd show you how to use a couple different ones.

Eventually he came to a stop and parked the truck. Both of you hopped out and your feet immediately sunk into the powdery snow. It was a good thing you wore your taller boots. Kid went around to the truck bed and pulled out a few different things. He said he wanted some different targets so he brought scrap wood, water bottles, and empty beer cans.

"I'm going to get some of this set up. You can load some clips while I'm doing that." He made to get started but there was one problem. You literally had no idea what you were doing.

"Can you show me how to do that?" You opened the back door and looked at the duffle bag full of ammo boxes doubtfully.

"You really don't know anything about guns." He grumbled but dropped his armful of "targets" in the snow.

"Nope. Not really."

"Alright, pay attention."

Kid huddled up by you and walked you through each kind of ammo each clip needed and how to load the fastest. You watched him load a couple like it was nothing. His fingers moved quickly and he made it look completely effortless. When you took over, it was anything but. You had to take your gloves off so the material wouldn't catch and you could move better. And the first couple bullets were easy but the more you added the harder it got.

Kid had explained that they're spring loaded and it'd take a bit more force as you went but you didn't think you'd struggle that much. But by the time he'd set up a few different targets, you'd gotten everything ready to go.

"We'll start you off with a .22 rifle." He picked the gun up and handed it to you.

But as you gripped it he didn't let go.

"Rules first. Don't point it at someone unless you plan to shoot them. Don't put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to shoot. And don't let me catch you looking down the barrel."

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