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There's going to be some themes of violence and torture in this chapter, you've been warned.

You wished you had a clock, a window, or something that could give you a hint as to how much time had passed since Buckner left.

Eventually, your clothes dried from the water he'd dumped on you and the silence stretched on. The only way you knew anything was going on around you was when you heard footsteps come and go near your interrogation room. It was always quick and the sounds of boots scuffing the floor was faint but they kept you from getting too impatient. Those few noises let you know Kid hadn't made an appearance and Buckner was still busy with the wild goose chase you'd sent him on. While that meant nothing had changed and your time was slipping away, it was comforting know you still had some time.

That was until you were able to identify the sound of a heavy set of boots heading towards your door. They moved with purpose and while you hoped it was Kid, you had a feeling it wasn't.

The door flung open to reveal a fuming Buckner.

You took your time swollowing your nerves and looking him up and down. First was his face. His hair was slick with sweat and fell in his eyes in clumps. There was a welt forming on his right cheek and a cut along his chin, covered in a layer of dried, flaky blood. When you looked further down, he was missing his suit jacket and the white shirt that remained was covered in tears. He still had his uniform coat but the pristine white had turned into a dirty, muddy brown, like it was tossed in a mud pit.

"Did you have fun?" You broke the silence, deciding that despite your fear, you might as well do what you can to get under his skin further. Your time was up and there was no saving you from whatever he had planned. You were ready to accept that.

"You fucking lied."

"Ever had a girl give you a fake number just so you'd leave her alone?"

"What?" He snapped as he stepped in, the door swinging shut behind him.

"Just thinking aloud."

In two long strides, he'd reached your chair and lashed out at out. The back of his hand hit your face hard and fast enough for the chair to tilt backwards for a second before falling back to all fours. Your head spun and your cheek throbbed harshly and for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.

"I lost five men in an unsuccessful raid because of you!" He roared.

You could focus enough to see his red tinged face a mere inches from your own. His teeth were bared into a snarl that could rival Kid's and you met his furious stare the best you could as you smirked.

"So you're going to blame me for your mistakes now? I wonder why you took my word for it without weighing the possibility of me just trying to get you off my ass."

His mouth settled into a firm line as he backed away slowly. "It sounds like it's time to step things up."

You let out a small gasp as he kicked the chair and it slid back to the wall behind you. It would've fallen over if you hadn't hit the wall first. Your hands smashed into it, still restrained behind the seat, and you grimaced.

Buckner had settled into a disturbing, calm silence as he moved in once again and you were reminded of the time you were assaulted out on the cold streets what seemed like forever ago. It was the only other time you really ever feared for your life.


You just wanted to know how much time had passed. There was a part of you that held out hope that Kid would find you and if you just waited long enough, you'd reach the finish line and get to leave this place.

The Devil's Playground (Kid X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant