Wasting Time

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"So you'll be gone for a few more days?" You asked Kid.

He rolled over in the bed until he was facing you, the sheets pooling around his waist from the movement. You were very much a fan of how he looked right now. The two of you spent the night romping around after passing the bottle of bourbon back and forth. You had to admit, sex with Kid had always been good, but it just got even better when he agreed to make you his girlfriend.

It didn't matter if you'd literally just gotten laid the night before, looking at Kid now, you wouldn't mind another round.

"In theory." He replied. "What, are you missing me already?"

Kid snickered as you blushed. You didn't want to see him go so soon, sure, but you couldn't admit that.

"It's boring here is all." You puffed your cheeks out in a pout.

"Bummer." He said casually, running his fingers through your hair. "Well how about we entertain ourselves for a bit before I have to leave?"

You gasped as he dragged you under him, suddenly pinning you. It was going to be a good morning.


"Take it easy guys." You gave each of the men a once over to make sure their cuts you took care of yesterday still looked good. "Come back in one piece."

"Too late for that." Kid chuckled as he waved around his mechanical arm.

"Yeah yeah. Don't lose any other limbs. And that goes for all of you."

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Killer said.

"Famous last words Killer." You said. "Don't jinx it."

"Yes mom."

"Don't start with me jailbait."

"Quit the nonsense." Kid grumbled. "We'll be fine and we'll be back again in a few days."

He gave you a kiss as the others made for the door.

"I'll take ya out for something fun when we're done."

"I'll look forward to it then." You smiled.

When he left, the silence returned. The next few days were going to drag on and you were ready for it all to be done already. This was going to be the most dull holiday you'd ever had.

And it pretty much was. The next two days, you tried to keep busy with cleaning up the small mess the guys dragged in when they came back before. It was mostly blood that didn't want to come out of the concrete. You'd tried everything you could think of to get it out but only managed to lighten the stains. It was better than nothing and you'd take what you could get.

Besides that, you spent a lot of time playing phone games and thinking about what Kid might have planned when he got back. Which is what you were doing now, spinning around on one of the stools in the garage.

He hadn't done much in the way of taking you on dates or spending time with you outside of your place or his. It was almost impossible to tell what normal things he'd consider to be fun. He took you shooting before so maybe something like laser tag. Somehow you doubted any place that had that would let him in though. He'd scare away people. Maybe an auto show. He loved cars so you could see that.

And then you frowned to yourself. There wasn't much else you thought he'd like. You didn't really know all that much about him. That'd have to change. You could suggest doing something so you could get to better know each other. After he came back a couple days, you'd come to terms with your feelings for him. It was hard to admit that you had fallen for him, but you did and now you wanted to find out more about him. That'd be a good place to start.

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