One Angry Redhead

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"Oh hey, he didn't stick around long." Zoro sauntered over, handing you a beer as he stared off to where Shanks must have wandered off to.

"I didn't realize Yonkos were willing to introduce themselves to others so casually." You accepted the drink and took a sip. It was about time to start winding down and drinking the lighter stuff.

"I don't think they are. Shanks is an exception though." He finished his own drink before wandering off, muttering about needing to use the bathroom. You didn't have the heart to tell him he was going in the completely wrong direction.

There was a rising commotion behind you and you turned to see what all the noise was about, shoulders immediately dropping at the sight. You should have expected something like this to happen but you were too wrapped up in your plans in doing the opposite of what Kid told you.

Wire was towering over Sanji, using his full height to intimidate the man into stepping down while Killer was standing by him, a few feet away from you, arms folded as you felt his eyes boring into you through his messy hair. Apparently it was time for you to go.

With a sigh, you brushed past Killer, feeling his eyes on you the entire time and pat Sanji's shoulder. "Tell Nami I said thanks for inviting me. Hopefully I can see you guys another time."

"I can show these guys the door if you'd like (Y/n)." He continued the stare down Wire.

"Nah it's fine, I gotta head out." You tugged him away from the taller man, not wanting a brawl to break out.

When he begrudgingly backed off, you felt Wire begin nudging you towards the building entrance and complied. It'd be stupid to argue with the man knowing the outburst Kid was going to have for you later. It would be smarter to get yourself mentally prepared for that.

You worked through the crowd, your failed babysitter for the night close behind. Killer was surely not far off either, you could feel the menacing aura radiating off of him. They were both silent until all three of you were in Killer's truck, him behind the wheel with you in the passenger side and Wire in the back seat.

"For someone who doesn't know shit about this city, you sure like to find your way in with the worst of us lowlifes. And here I thought you were just some oblivious teacher." He sounded more than a little aggravated.

That was all you needed to hear to know the usually calm blonde had been pushed too far for the night. Kid probably gave him and Wire hell for not keeping a better eye on you.

"It was just a party, nothing bad happened and nothing bad was going to happen." You went to take a sip of your drink but Killer snatched it from you, finishing the almost full bottle in a couple seconds. So much for safe driving.

"You don't know that. What if Shanks figured out who you were?" He shook his head as he placed the bottle in an empty cup holder. "You wouldn't even know about Shanks anyway."

"Oh no I met him. Charming guy actually." You said nonchalantly.

There was a grunt of surprise I'm the backseat, reminding you Wire was still there.

Killer visibly tensed up. "This isn't something to joke about (Y/n)."

"I'm not joking. Older guy, scar across the eye, missing an arm." He got even more tense as you went. "He asked me for a dance, made it obvious he knew about me, we had some small talk and that was it."

You left out the part about him expressing interest in you and giving you his card. The cream colored cardstock with his name and number written in elegant golden cursive was safely hidden away in your pocket, hidden from view.

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