Bite Me Kid

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"I'm heading out to some get together with Nami." You didn't look up from your phone as you came downstairs.

It had been a long week of dealing with Kid's need to be sated sexually literally all the time and Killer's distaste for sitting through your lessons every day. He didn't mind refreshing himself with the information but hearing it over and over again throughout the day wasn't easy for him.

Either way, it was Friday evening and you'd earned yourself a break from the daily grind. Nami was the only real friend you'd made in town so far and you weren't going to pass up the chance to hang out with her and leave Kid high and dry for a night. He had you pretty bruised up from his constant rough lovemaking and you needed at least one night to recover from it.

"What?" Kid immediately snapped his head in your direction and glared suspiciously. "Why and where?"

"A party, because I need a breather, and at a place called...." You squinted at your messages with the orangette. "The Barnyard. It's supposed to be at a literal barn, near the edge of the city, riverside."

"No, you aren't going." He went back to fiddling under a car's hood.

"What are you, my dad? I don't plan on staying out too late and I'll be with Nami the whole time."

"Don't care, you're not going."

"Are you serious?" You were fuming. So much for being an adult and getting to make your own decisions.

"Yes, I'm serious. Now fuck off so I can finish this and call it a night."

You groaned and stomped off towards the side door to leave the garage, only to feel the metal of your belt pull, dragging you over to Kid.


"I said you're not going." When you were close enough he hooked a finger under the hem of your jeans and jerked you closer, face twisted into an angry snarl.

The rest of the guys kept working like nothing was happening and that only made you more angry. They were fine with him being a total dick over this?

"I heard you the first time! I'm going home you ass." You shoved his hand away and made another attempt to leave.

"Fine, I'm tired of hearing you anyway. One of you guys go with her." He was obviously in a sour mood but you were fine with that.

Wire was done with whatever he was doing for the day and went with you. You'd much rather not have to deal with constant escorts though. When you got home you finally asked the question that's been bothering you.

"Why do I still have to have someone follow me around wherever I go?"

Wire stared you down sternly before collapsing onto your couch with a sigh. He liked playing the part of the quiet and stoic type but every once in a while he'd drop the act.

"You probably don't need it anymore, in this area at least. But if you were to go into someone else's territory you'd still need one of us to accompany you."

"That doesn't answer why you're stuck with me tonight." You sounded pissed still but you were trying to be nice. Wire wasn't a bad guy.

"He probably doesn't plan on coming over, he's in one of his moods today."

"I could tell that much." You scoffed.

"He'll be over it after going out and doing some work for the gang. It's been a while since he's been able to and it's getting to him."

"What kind of work?" You got a beer out of the fridge for him, along with some leftover Chinese.

"Keeping others who don't belong out of the territory, running fights," He popped the cap off with his teeth before you could get him a bottle opener and took a long drink. "Possibly expand our own area. Kid's been looking at doing that for a while."

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