True Endurance

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"We can only be nice for so long." Buckner grumbled.

His eyes were set in a tight glare, his mouth working angrily at the end of a cigarette, and his pristine, white marine issued coat hung off the back of his chair. He'd been here a while and needless to say, he was getting tired of you.

You'd been stuck in a small interrogation room with your chair in one of the corners and your hands cuffed behind it's rigid back. A table sat between you and Buckner's seat but he'd abandoned it long ago. A camera hung in the opposite corner from you, right up against the ceiling with a small red light blinking every couple seconds.

The room was warm and stuffy and the more Buckner moved, the worse it got. But you weren't going to complain, not like it's do you any good anyway. The heavy smell of cigarette smoke didn't help either and was giving you a dull, throbbing headache that you just couldn't shake. That you might complain about, who knew.

He let out a grumble as he slapped the thick minila envelope he'd been carrying against his hand. It was full of information on Kid and his gang and to you, it was almost all new information. Maybe it was good for Kid to keep all his happenings to himself for the most part, it meant you couldn't spill anything to the marines. It helped you stay silent this entire time at least.

No matter what questions Buckner asked, how often he raised his voice or changed his tone to something more patient and sweet, you didn't have an answer for him. He could try any tactic he wanted to get you to talk but nothing would work. When he'd told you what he knew, you tried saying you didn't know anything. All the information he had was what little you knew and more, but he wouldn't buy it. He was convinced that you were hiding things and nothing you said could make him think otherwise.

And that was when you decided it was best to just shut up and let him try to interrogate you to his heart's content. You weren't sure how long this had been going on or for how much longer he would try but you were hoping it'd end sooner rather than later.

Suddenly, Buckner slammed a fist into the table, denting the metal surface and making your head jerk around so you could glare at him.

"I know Kid keeps you up to date on his gang's operations and you will tell me what he's told you." He spoke through grit teeth, his neck an angry shade of red and the veins under his skin popping into view. He was pissed.

You forced yourself to relax and rolled your shoulders in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the strain in your arms as you met his stormy eyes with a blank stare. You kept your mouth pressed into a thin line, trying to scare you wasn't going to get results, even if you really were scared. But he didn't have to know that.

With a snarl, he whipped around and headed for the only door in the room, grabbing his coat and throwing the door open to stomp out of the room without another word. The door slammed shut behind him and you were enveloped in a blissful silence. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air and clung to your clothes but at least he wasn't making it worse. You never were a fan of smokers.

The quiet stretched on and the tension slowly left your body as you realized he wouldn't be coming back for a while. You'd won this first round but there was no telling how many more there'd be in the future. The thought alone exhausted you.

You let out a sigh and leaned forward, your back popping from no longer having to be stuck in the same position anymore. You were tired and there was no better time than now to rest your eyes. You might not get another chance for a while.

Your eyes fluttered closed and you focused on calm, steady breaths, finding the closest thing to some kind of inner peace before drifting off.


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