My Hero?

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The man had torn apart your sweater and you immediately began trembling from a mix of the sudden cold air hitting your skin and the sinking fear of what he was about to do to you. He twirled the tip of the knife against your bare shoulder before slowly sinking it in until it was stopped by bone. You could feel it grinding into it as you let out a strangled cry.

He placed a dirty hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. "Shhhh, we don't need someone to hear your pretty voice."

Tears pricked your eyes from the pain and your cried turned to sobs he repeated his actions, creating a second wound in your shoulder. You could feel something hard prodding against your belly as he continued on. The sick fuck was getting off on hurting you. You began to struggle again, weakly pushing against his chest with your good arm as you shifted around under him, trying to throw him off balance.

"Stop squirming so much." He growled, moving his hand from your mouth to your throat.

He started pressing down, long enough for you to see stars as you clawed at his hand and struggled to breath. As soon as your arms went limp he released your throat, letting you gasp for air. While you were doing that, he continued with the knife, now dragging it across your jawline.

"I'd hate to ruin such a pretty face, behave yourself so I don't have to."

"Wanna talk about ruining faces?" You never felt so happy to see the aggressive redhead standing before you.

He jerked the man off you easily with the prosthetic arm and reeled back to punch him in the jaw with his real one. As soon as your assaulter fell to the ground, Kid unloaded on him, driving a knee into his gut as he hit him again and again in the face. Killer came into view, blocking Kid from sight.

"You don't want to see that." He said softly as he carefully picked you up.

You tried to speak but your throat hurt and the movement made you all the more dizzy. All that came out was a few low rasps.

"Hold on, we'll get you looked at." He hugged your trembling frame close.

The sounds of Kid hitting the man faded into the background as he took you farther away. It was sickening to listen to. You could hear bones breaking and imagine the blood flying. The man had long since been knocked out cold but Kid wasn't stopping, and you didn't know if he would.

Killer kicked a door open and took you into a room you recognized as their garage. "Heat! Wire! Clear the table, now!"

You let your head lull over to see two men hurriedly doing as they were told, clearing tools and car parts off a metal work table. Once it was done, Killer laid you out on it and began checking your wounds.

"Here's the kit." One of the men, a guy with thick blue hair and sunken eyes, gave Killer a first aid kit. "Who is she anyway?"

"Doesn't matter. Kid said to take care of her so we will. See if you can call up that doctor."

The blue haired man nodded, giving you a sad glance before leaving. Killer let out a heavy sigh as he started cleaning up what he could, starting with your shoulder to staunch the bleeding and then moving to the cut on your chest. You didn't care that he had to touch around such a personal area, you hurt too much and were glad someone came to your rescue.

"You're really my hero Killer." You managed to rasp out.

"This was all Kid. He wasn't in the mood to put up with that bullshit." He gingerly lifted your head and gently pulled away stray strands of hair to find the last cut.

He dabbed at it lightly with a cool wet cloth the other man brought him to try and clean it. It stung no matter how careful he was but you knew it needed to be done.

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