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A.N. there's a new story on my profile called 'Isabella' which i'm gonna start updating regularly once this story is finished. so go ahead & add that book to your libraries so you know when i update the first chapter!!

 so go ahead & add that book to your libraries so you know when i update the first chapter!!

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"So," Anna says once she's lowered her black coffee from her lips, staring at me with her blue eyes full of concern. "How have you been?"

I almost laugh at her question, even though there's nothing really remotely funny about it. I just find it funny because I'm pretty sure she won't like the true answer, because for the past few days, I've been in one of those moods where I just want to shut the world out. All I've wanted to do is hide under my covers and play video games or watch dumb reality TV until my mind is numb enough to forget about all the thoughts troubling it.

But of course, in true Anna style, she wasn't having that, so both her and Niall have dragged me out to our usual coffee shop for what she calls 'a catch up'. I don't really have much to catch her up on because my life has been a bit of a mess recently, but I agreed to come because I know she's just trying to be a good friend. And to be honest, I could do with all the friends I can get.

"Um, I've been ok," I tell her, aimlessly stirring my cappuccino. I keep my gaze averted from hers, because I know if I look at her then she'll call me out for lying. She's always been the one in our group who can see right though the bullshit. "Just been planning the whole moving to Canada thing."

"I seriously can't believe you're going to college in Canada, man," Niall says, shaking his head to himself in disbelief. "And I can't believe that Liam's lazy ass is going with you."

"What made you want to go to Canada, anyway?" Anna asks me curiously.

I just shrug. "I don't know. I applied a while ago just because it looked cool, but I never really thought I'd end up going there. But then I got accepted, and I just thought......maybe it'd be good to get away from England for a while."

"You mean get away from Scarlett," Niall interjects bluntly.

"Niall!" Anna hisses, lightly punching him in the arm, and he glares at her. "Don't say that!"

"I mean, he's partly right," I admit quietly. "But it's just not because of that. There's other reasons too. I always said I don't want to be stuck in this town forever, and the university programme I'm doing is exactly the one I was looking for."

"See?" Anna says to Niall, narrowing her eyes at him. "You don't need to be a dick. Scarlett's still our friend."

He just raises an eyebrow, not seeming convinced. "Really? Because I haven't spoken to her in weeks. Have you?" he retorts, and when Anna averts her gaze, Niall's eyes widen. "Wait, you have talked to her, haven't you?"

I'm just as surprised at this as Niall is, leaning forwards. "You've spoken to Scarlett? I thought she hasn't been in contact with any of the group."

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