Part 6: the bodies

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Reid's POV:

Hotch instructed me and JJ to take a look at the bodies. We were in the car, JJ was driving, there was an awkward silence. I was thinking about Jen. She also has blonde, curled hair. I was always so worried about her. I think my co-workers were getting annoyed with me. "Reid, you allright?", JJ asked breaking the silence. "Yea, Just thinking about Jen", I replied. She smiled at me. "Why?". "I called her just before we went on the plane, she sounded weird. She said that was because she just had fallen asleep, I just don't buy it. And the girl of the unsubs fantasy looks so much like Jen", I told her. "Don't be so worried. She's safe at home, nobody will hurt her", JJ ensured me.

We arrived. We went to the bodies. We introduced ourselves and we got started. "Cause of death were the cuts on the wrists. It's an uncommen tactic of killing. Normally people do this to kill themselves", the body examnitor said. "Were the cuts made themselves?", JJ asked. "No, somebody else made them", he replied. "The girl in the unsubs fantasy probably cut herself, and possibly attemped suicide", I said. This calmed me down. There was no way Jen would do anything like this.

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