Part 35: in the hospital

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Reid's POV:

The medics come in and take her in the ambulance. I go with her. Just before I go with them I go to Alex. "Thank you" I whisper to her. And I run off before she can say anything else.

Nothing happens in the ambulance. And her breath's turning back normal. "Poor thing" one of the medics say. I just sit here.

When we arrive at the hospital, they separate me and Jen. I see the team at the hospital. Jj embraces me. She quickly lets go and hugs Henry. The children just saw a girl spit blood and collapse on the ground, they must be scared. I can't stop thinking about her. Is she okay? "Talk Spence" Alex says. "Is she in pain?" "I don't think so" Hotch said. I look at him, wondering how he could know that. "Remember when I had internal bleedings, and I collapsed" he asked. I nodded. "I dreamt of Haley. She told me that it was okay to start a new relationship. And that I had to take care of Jack. She's probably dreaming".  This calms me down a bit. "Mr. Reid?" A nurse asks. "Yes that's me!" I answer. "Your daughter is awake, you may see her" she tells me.

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