Part 26: game

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Jen's POV:

Dad comes back in. He writes a question down on a piece of paper and puts in the hat Morgan was wearing. So one of us asks a question from the hat, and we all have to answer. Garcia wanted to go first. She did say it was a very serious one.

"What was the worst thing you ever witnessed, and what was the best?". I had to think, my mom's death was definetly the worst. I guess the best thing was when Daniel proposed to Fred.

"The worst thing was when I saw Reid held hostage by Tobias Hankle, a few years ago", Garcia said. I was confused. "What's he talking about, dad?", I ask him. "Uhm, a few years ago Tobias Hankle held me hostage. But he had a split personality, he also had a good side", he said. Like he was defending him. I guess it was something he didn't want to talk about it. "The best thing I witnessed, uhm... when Henry was born!", Garcia says.

"The worst thing I witnessed was that kid, Angel. Who was incarcenated for a year and was so scared and he looked so bad", Morgan says. "And the best moment, just happend like an half hour ago", he smiled at me and dad. "When those two were hugging for like five minutes, just loving each other", he says. I look at dad, I think he cried again when he left just a minute ago.

"The worst thing I witnessed was when I saw Haley dead on the floor", Hotch said. "Who's Haley?", I ask him. "My wife, ex-wife. It's complicated". "Sorry for your loss". He nods at me. "The best thing was when I was in the hospital a year ago". "When you had those internal bleedings?", Rossi asks. "Yes. I dreamt of Haley that night". Hotch didn't want to explain more.

And so on. Rossi's ex-wife died in his arms. JJ, she was talking about a case. Now it was my dads turn. "When I saw Maeve got killed", he said with so much pain. He told me about Maeve. That the first he saw her, was the last time. That they loved each other so deeply without seen each other. It sounded kinda romantic. 

"What about you Jen?", JJ asks. "My mom was killed by my father, I saw that. That kinda crushed me", I tell. "What about the best thing?", Garcia asks. "When my brother propsed to the love of his life", I say. With a smile. "I bet that was a lucky guy", Hotch says. "They both were".

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