Part 17: the questioning

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Jen's POV:

I saw agent JJ doing something outside the room, I didn't bother to ask. "Okay Jen, this might be dificult, but we need to go through your past, could you tell me the most important things before you were adopted?", Morgan asked. I was scared as hell, I told everything on the phone, and now I had to tell it again. "So my father was abusive", I started. "Was he an alcoholic?". "No, he was completely sober when he hit us, he wanted to hurt us", agent Morgan was writing something down, I'm guessing my answer. "What else happend in your childhood?". I was in the middle of my childhood, and already did I have a past. "Well, my mom got killed by my father. Haemolacria was discovered in me when I was eleven. When I was twelve I was raped, and that man killed my brother Daniel", I tried not to cry. "Was Daniel the only sibling you had?". "No, I had a brother called Marc. And Daniel was engaged to Fred Hicks, we saw him as a brother in-law", I answered. "You said you had a brother called Marc. Is he dead too?", Morgan asked. "He's preasumed dead, he's been missing for years", the tears came but I didn't fight them back. "I want to go to the rape, did they catch the guy?". "Yea, they did". "Listen Jen, I know this is hard, but we have to go back there", he said. "Why?", I asked." We found out the victims were raped too". "My father raped 14-year old girls?!", I yelled. I couldn't believe this, why would he do this?

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