Part 28: game ll: wishes

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Reid's POV:

Great, now I have to explain who Tobias Hankle is. I didn't want to tell her, because I still use drugs. Not often, just sometimes. When I need them. It's my turn. "If you could make one wish in life, what would it be?", I read. Everybody thinks, me too. Only one wish. "I wish we could save Maeve in time", I say. I get a quick flashback. The moment she died. I quickly come back to reality. 

"That I didn't sneak out of the house that one night", Garcia says. She's talking about the night her parents got ran over. Morgan holds her hand. "That I never hid what Carl Bufurd did to me", he says. "I wish that Henry gets to live a long, happy life", JJ says. "That Haley never had to die", Hotch says. "That Meg gets to find the love of her life", Callahan says. Now I feel bad. All the parents wish something for their child, and I wish that my girlfriend was alive. "That my loved ones never had any pain because of my father", Jen says. "That I could see my mom and dad", Meg says. "That I become a great soccer player", Jack says. "I want to be a profiler!", Henry shouts. I remember when he was dressed like me for halloween a few years ago. That was so cute. When I saw him, I realized I wanted to become a dad.

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