Part 22: story-time

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Reid's POV:

"Dad?", Jen suddenly said. "Hey Jen". She made room on the couch so I could sit next to her. So I did. And I wrapped one of my arms around her. "You listend to the audio, didn't you?", she asked. I nodded. "Why, why do cut yourself?", I ask her. I'm almost breaking down here, but I don't care. I need to know. "It's not your fault, you were the one that kept me away from the knife. Every time I was feeling bad, I had to call you, or hug you. And than I was good, I was safe, but most important, I was happy!", she said. "What about the times I didn't pick up the phone, or when I wasn't home", I asked, already knowing the answer. "Only then, but it's not your fault. It's my fathers fault. You have nothing to do about me cutting myself", she ensured me."What you've got there?" she asked, while pointing at the paper cups. "Chai tea, I thought, we could read, like we always do", I said. Jen and I like to read in one of my books. Well, we both drink a hot bevarage, while I read out of my book. With Jen in my arms. And Jen sometimes falls asleep in my arms. I get my book and my coffee. We get in a comfy position, and I start to read. This feels so safe. After the event of today, something normal. My daughter, and a book. With a nice cup of coffe, I feel calm.

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