Part 19:John

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Jen's POV:

"I know how you feel", I told Morgan. He looked suprised. He also looked suprised when I told him I was sorry for him. I have no idea why. "What do you mean, you know how I feel?" he asked me. "Somewhere in my heart, I love my father. I love the man he used to be. He once tried to love me, and he once loved my mom and my brother. I can't hate him for that, but I will never forgive, and he's hurting these girls, I feel so bad for them, he thinks they're me...", I stopped. I just realized, my father is trying to kill ME. Not just some random girls, but why does he rape them, if he thinks they're me, why would he rape his own daughter. "It's not my father. It has to be John!", I said. "Why?", Morgan asked. "My father hated me, but he wouldn't rape me. That would be disgusting! He hated the idea! Aren't there rules in he Bible with who you can, and can't have a relationship with?! My father was a Bible freak. That's why he wanted Daniel dead!", I yelled.  "Can you tell me about the rape now, Jen?", Morgan asked. I took a deep breath and told him everything.

"We're going to keep you in here, your dad will come soon. JJ just audio recorded the questioning, and because your dad is working on the...". "Yea, he can listen to it, no offence, but can I be alone for a while, unless my dad wants to come in". "Sure, he will come as soon as possible", Morgan said. He stood up and left. I was left in this room. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to sleep without having a nightmare. I decided I was going to try and fall asleep.

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