Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Quest with the Royal Daughters and a New Devil Arm?!

(Y/N PoV)

Touya, Elze, Linze, Yae, Sue, Yumina and Me are right now in the middle of the forest, where our target, or better said targets, are located.

"Are you sure you want to start with killing King Apes?" Touya asked Yumina.

"I'm trained in Magic and Archery, so I'm more than ready for this." she said confidently.

We stopped at a certain spot and Yumina went on her knee, chanting a Summoning Spell.

"Come Forth Dark: I seek the proud beasts wrapped in silver, Silver Wolf Pack!" she said.

A Summoning Circle appeared and out of it came a pack of silver wolfs.

"Happy hunting!" she said and the leader of the pack ran ahead with the rest behind him.

"Wow, summoning magic seems convenient." Touya said.

"I'm with you on that, brother." I agreed.

"We will be happy to teach you both!" Sue and Yumina said in the same time.

'That's nice.' I thought, but it was interrupted by the wolfs.

"Looks like they found the apes and brought them to us." said Yumina.

Everyone readied their weapons.

"It's showtime!" I charged with Rebellion at one of them and sliced the head off.

Yumina shot an arrow at the second ape and it went through the chest.

Yae followed immediately slicing the head clean off, just like me.

I smiled and she blushed a little.

I noticed that one of the apes was getting away, even if the battle just started.

I followed him into the forest, only to realize it was an ambush.

Four more jumped out of their hiding spot.

'It's getting interesting, don't you think?' I asked.

'Just don't get as cocky as the Sparda sisters, okay?' asked Nevan and turned herself into the guitar.

I started to play the guitar and lightning started to appear.

It hit the apes, but didn't do enough damage to kill them.

At least not yet.

"That's what I call, tough crowd." I said and laughed as I went even faster.

The lighting that appeared, was getting more and more aggressive, to the point it started making the apes cry in pain.

Even small bats started appearing and biting the King Apes.

After pure torture for the apes, I decided that I will be 'merciful' and I will end their lives.

I summoned my Yamato and prepared my Judgement Cut.

'Come on! I was starting to enjoy myself!' yelled Nevan.

'You can enjoy yourself either in my mindscape or in my room.' Nevan just giggled.

'Why do I feel like I will get raped?' at that, Vergil, Dante and Nevan started laughing.

I shook my head and ended the lives of these disgusting creatures.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Touya shout, obviously looking for me.

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