Code Breaker

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When I came too I was being carried to a room by a man I didn't know. I noticed my hands were tied up.  The man sat me down and pushed me into the room. I stumbled into a table and hit my ribs. I yelled out. And the man grabbed my hair.

A light turned on and I saw Derek chained to a fence standing up against it. He was shirtless and had something on his side.

"Sky what are you doing here?" He looked over at Kate and yelled,  "Let her go, she's human!"

"Not for long." She said and grabbed my arm were Peter bit me. "She's been bitten."

Derek looked at me in shock and I looked away. Kate sat me down in a chair and tied me to it. Derek kept his eyes on me the whole time. I looked up at him. I was scared.

"Now your going to tell me who the Alpha is or I'm going to hurt her."  Kate said. I felt a cold sharp object against my arm where the bit is.

"I told you I don't know who the Alpha is." Derek said. She pushed the sharp object against my arm and I cried out.

I heard Derek growl. I looked up and he had shifted. I looked in to his electric blue eyes and tried to silently tell him I was okay.

The thing is that I haven't told him my full ability. If I feel to much pain then my eyes turn purple.

Kate got mad that hurting me didn't make Derek tell so she went to this machine and it electrocuted Derek. My side started hurting and I winced. I felt my eyes change to purple. Between my pain and seeing Derek in pain caused my eyes to change.

I closed them so Kate wouldn't see them and neither would Derek.

"Oh this is good. She's your mate isn't she?" Mate? That instantly made my eyes change back. It was quiet for a minute and then I heard her say. "Did Derek tell you that we have a history together?"

"Yes, matter fact he did.  Along with the fact that you burned his family alive in the house." I said looking up at her unfazed by the fact that she said that Derek and her had a history.

She looked at me in shocked. She looked pissed and left.

"Sky, are you okay?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, my arm hurts." I said.

"I know your curious about the whole mate thing. I don't know much about it myself but I do know this, when your in pain I can feel it and..." Derek said.

"If your in pain I can feel it. I knew something was wrong when my side hurt the other day." I said

"I don't know, Sky your human. I don't think that humans can feel the bond like that." Derek said sounding unsure.

"Derek you said it yourself that you didn't know much about the whole mate thing but I think I have felt the bond for you just like you have for me. You remember when you were shot by Kate?" I asked and he nodded. "I felt my arm start hurting that night and the next day when you showed up at school. I felt it then too but I was so concerned for you that I over looked the pain." I said.

"You know Sky, I do love you. And I'm sorry about my uncle, I don't know why he would bite you." He said.

I didn't get a chance to say anything because his head snapped up and looked towards the door. A bald man walks in. "Are you ready for another round?" The guys asked Derek.

The guy starts beating Derek. I turned my head not being able to watch. I hear him cry out.  After about five minutes the guy is done and walks over to me. "I have plans for you later." He says and leaves. I shutter and look back at Derek in worry.

Sky McCall ➡Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now