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I called Dr. Deaton knowing he could help Derek since he passed out. When Deaton got there he called out to Derek.

"Derek....Can you hear me?" Deaton said. Derek made no movement. His head was rested on my lap. "Derek...Can you hear me? I need you to answer me, Derek. Derek! We don't have much time."

When Derek made no resonse he looked up at me. "Cover your ears."

I did as he said and he blew a dog whistle and blew it. Derek's eyes flew open. He looked around and was panting. "That sound. What was it?" Derek asked sitting up.

Deaton held up the dog whistle and then smiled. When Derek saw it he huffed a little. He stood up and Deaton and I did as well. Derek about fell back down because he was so weak but Deaton caught him. After he was stood back up, I put his arm around my neck and placed my arm around his waist.

"You're going to be weak for several hours." Deaton said.

Derek looked down at his arm where Peter had dung his clams in his arm. Derek then looked down at the hole where Peter came out of. "It acctually happened." Derek said.

I nodded while Deaton said, "Don't worry. You're still an Alpha. But, as usual, not particularly comptent one."

"Where is he?" Derek asked.

"I wish I could tell you." Deaton said.

"Then how about you tell me what you're doing here, and why you're helping me?" Derek said moving hi arm from around my neck and walking closer to Deaton.

I grabbed his arm, "I called him." Derek looked at me and then back at Deaton when he started to speak.

"Helping you family acutually used to be a pretty important part of my life. Helping you was a promise I made to your mother." Deaton said. Derek and I looked at him in shock. Derek was in so much shock that he took a step back away from Deaton.

"You're the one that my sister talked about. She said you're a kind of advisor?" Derek said.

"She was right. And I have some advice that you need to listen to very closely right now. What Peter managed to do doesn't come without a price. He'll be pysically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intellligence, his cunning. He's goona come at you, Derek. He'll try to twist his way inside your head, preying on your insecurities. He'll tell you that he's the only way you can stop Gerard. Do no trust him. He may try turning you against Sky or try to hurt her."

"I don't trust anyone." Derek said. That was like a stab through the heart. I pulled away from him a little and Derek noticed but Deaton spoke up.

"I know. If you did, you might be the Alpha you like to think you are. The mate you should be. And unfortunaly, the two people you should trust, one doesn't trust you at all and the other that does trust you, you just told her you don't trust her."

"Scott and Sky." Derek said.

"Scott's with Stiliski right now. You two need to find him, you need to find him as fast as you can. I known Gerard for a long time. He always has a plan. An something tells me..." Deaton says and looks down at the hole. "...It's going exactly the way he wants it to."

I was upset about what Derek said about not trusting anyone but I got to thinking that the last person he trusted was Peter and the one before that was Kate. She stated the fire that killed almost everyone in his family. And then Peter killed his sister and was going around killing other people.

Derek and I found out that Scott and them were at the police station. On the way there, Derek tried to explain but I told him I understood.

We knocked on the door and waited until they opened the office door. I could feel something bad going to happen. Right before the door opened the door Jackson cut Derek on the back of the neck. I thought he was going to the same to me but he pushed me into my brother's arms.

Sky McCall ➡Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now