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I ran home as soon as Derek and them left. Scott went to Dr. Deaton. I would have went with him but I was confused. I was upset with Derek but I still loved him.
I was sitting on my bed when I heard my window open up and someone climb through. "What do you want Derek?" I asked not looking at him.

"I want to know why your upset with me?" He said sitting beside me on the bed.

I turned and faced him. "I'm upset because Scott and you are constantly fighting and guess who is in the middle of it? Me. Then you give Boyd the bite which is his choice and yours but you asked me about Isaac and even though I suggested Erica you still asked. But with Boyd you just did it. And you know I know I'm not part of your pack and your the Alpha or whatever. I just thought that you trusted me and you would tell me things like this." I said.

"Are you okay with me giving Boyd the bite." He asked.

"You already did so there's no changing it." I pointed out. "But it could be good for him. He's always by himself. Maybe this will give him a chance to have friends." I said.

Stiles called me and said that he was at the mechanics and that he has been waiting for hours. He asked me if I would come sit with him.

When I get there he and I walk into where the guy is working on the car. Stiles says something to him but I don't hear it because I can tell that something isn't right. I look around and don't see anything so I make my way to the door and open it to go sit down.

My hand touches something slimy and I look down and rub it on my shirt and I sit down. Stiles comes in and I could tell he touched it too. He starts to text but I noticed that my body is going numb and I can't move I slide off the chair and then Stiles falls. I crawl to his phone and I see him doing the same. I look at the guy and see a reptilian thing on top of Stiles jeep.

I see that Stiles has seen it too. I watch as it cut the back of the guys neck and he falls down and I barely hear him calling for help and the Jeep lowers. I see Stiles trying to dial 911. I close my eyes and the Jeep lands on top of the guy.

I opened my eyes and see the thing looking at us his eyes were yellow with Black slits and he roared at is and as the phone rang for the 911 he ran off.

Now we are sitting in the back of the ambulance as Stiles' dad asks us questions.

"I told you we walked in and saw the Jeep on top of the guy. That's all." Stiles said. I could tell that Stiles is confused and scared.

Stiles was messing with his hand. "What's wrong with your hand?" His dad asked him. I knew that he was slowly getting the feeling back.

He shakes his hand and says, "Nothing. Can we just get out of here?"

"Look if there is something that you two think that you can't tell me."

"You think we're lying?" Stiles and I asked him.

"No. Of course not. I'm just worried about you both. Now if you saw someone do this, if your afraid that they will come back and make sure you don't say anything about it." His dad said.

"We didn't see anything. At all." We say.

"Can we go now, please?" Stiles says.

I understood. I wanted to go to Derek but I would have to wait until tomorrow because Stiles and I had to tell Scott about what we saw.

"Sure." His dad whispers. "But not in your Jeep. I'm going to have to impound it. Sorry kid evidence." Stiles dad says. I could tell Stiles wasn't happy about it.

Stiles calls Scott and I laid my head on Stiles shoulder. We didn't speak. Both of us lost in our own thoughts.

Scott pulls up, Stiles and I walk over to the car and get in.

Sky McCall ➡Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now