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Matt was found in a pond close to the police station. Someone had killed him and I had a feeling that it was Gereard. I havent talked to Scott or Stiles. I have been staying with Derek because even my mom won't look or talk to me. I understand that and I know that it's a lot for her to take in. I know that she'll eventually talk to me. But what hurts the most is the betrayal of my brother. I thought that they had finally started working together but my brother has to ruin it.

I was with Derek at the Hale burined house and he was looking through books. i could tell that he was pissed about Scott too. Erica and Boyd also told Derek that they thinking about leaving the pack so that has also made him upset.

Speaking of them, they just walked in. "You've decided." Derek says and turns to face them."When?" Derek asks.

I walk and stand next to him. "Tonight." Erica says. I know that Erica kissed Derek knowing that I was with him but she has been a good friend other than that.

"Everyone's gonna be at the game." Boyd says. "And we figured it was the best time."

"It's not like we want to." Erica adds in.

"What do you want?" Derek asks walking closer to them.

"Since I just turned 16 a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license." Erica says. "I can't do that if I'm dead, you know."

"He told you that there was a price when he asked you if you wanted to become one of us." I said angry. They had no right, he told them and they still wanted it. It wasn't his fault.

"He didn't say it would be like this." Boyd said.

"Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." Derek said. Derek turns to go back to the books.

"We know." Boyd says.

Derek turns back towards them, "You wanna look for another pack?"

I look at them and they are looking away guilty. "How are you even gonna find one?" I ask angry that they were doing this to Derek.

"We think we already did." Boyd says.

Derek and I are speakless.

"Like all of a sudden we heard all this howling." Erica tells us. "It was unbelieveble."

"There must have been a dozen of them." Boyd adds in.

"Maybe more." Erica says.

"Yeah, or maybe only two." Derek says. "You know what the Beau Geste effect is? If they modulate thier howls with rapid shift in tone, two wolves can sound like twenty."

"Look, that doesn't matter, okay?" Erica says. "There's another pack out there. There's got to be. We've made up our minds."

"We lost, Derek. And it's over. We're leaving." Boyd tells Derek.

"No. No, you're running. And once you start, you don't stop. You'll always be running." Derek tells them.

Erica grabs Boyds hand and they leave. Derek turns around and I get in front of him and hug him.

Derek looks at a broken piece of glass and then turns and throws it. I look around Derek and see that Peter has caught it.

"I expected a slightly warmer welcome. But point taken." Peter says.

"It's quite a situation you've got yourself in here, Derek. I mean, I'm out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly, there's lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem-deprived abolescent in town." Peter says and I growl. Peter looks at me. "I knew you would be a strong one when I bit you that night. I can just see the power coming off of you."

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