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Monday January 20th. Switzerland.

"How are you feeling today Chloe? You're looking incredibly well." Gabriel passed her some blue paper towel to tuck into the front of her black leggings.

"Apart from feeling hideously nauseous this morning, I feel really good." She smiled happily, feeling totally in love with her husband all over again.

"Still not quite over the morning sickness yet then?"

"I've been fine for most of the past week but this morning, Seb actually had to pull over for me to throw up. Please tell me this will completely stop soon."

"I can't make any promises there, a lot of women find that once they get into the second trimester they feel a lot better and have a lot more energy but some women can suffer for longer or in rare cases, the entire pregnancy." He took a seat on a wheeled stool with his bottle of gel in his hand, ready to apply some to her stomach.

"You can bet your ass I'll be one of the rare ones then."

"Maybe not, the fact it's easing usually means it will keep on easing." He squirted the gel onto her skin, ignoring her tensing at the coolness of it and then got to work, gliding the probe over her belly until he found what he was looking for. "I couldn't help but notice your tans in the office, been away on holiday?"

"Yeah, Maldives." Seb answered as he took hold of Chloe's hand, exchanging a loving look with her. "Just a short break for five nights."

"Ah, I went there a couple of years ago, where did you stay?" Gabriel asked as he started taking measurements of the baby.

"Velaa Private Island." Seb replied, his gaze fixed to his wife, remembering what had happened there.

"I had a friend who stayed there, said it was a stunning place. I stayed at the Kuredu Island Resort and Spa, beautiful place, I didn't want to come home." Gabriel glanced at the couple to see Seb looking dotingly at his wife, obviously the break had done them good, they looked the closest he'd even seen them so far; like a couple in the first heady flushes of love and newly married bliss, it suddenly occurred to him that Chloe's memory must be starting to return, this was good news, these two deserved every happiness.

"Neither did we." Chloe brought Seb's hand up to her lips and kissed it, he beamed at her in reply. He could see that they'd got it bad for each other

"You planning on going back?" Gabriel asked as he looked back the screen.

"We hope to, yeah." She said, keeping Seb's hand against her cheek.

"Hopefully in April for a week, between races." Seb added.

"I must admit it's somewhere I'd love to go back to." He focused in on the baby's heartbeat and at the press of a button the strong beat could be heard in the room. "Beating like a proper little drum, good and strong, just how we like it." He smiled and looked to see the pair of them visibly melting at the sound, Seb briefly got to his feet to bestow kisses to Chloe's forehead and she placed her hand at the back of his head to bring his lips to hers. Gabriel raised his brows, having seen Seb with his previous partner, Hannah, throughout both of their pregnancies, he'd never seen him quite like this - so besotted and deeply in love. As Seb sat back down again he caught Gabriel looking at them and then smiled sheepishly, not realising until now that their intimate little moment had been caught. "I just have a few more things to check, a few more measurements to take but....." He stopped for a moment and at the click of a mouse, their baby appeared on the monitor before them. "As you can see everything looks perfect and quite a bit different from the last time you saw your baby."

"There he is." Seb cooed, sounding awestruck. "See how different he looks." He pointed to the screen with his free hand. Having been through this twice before, he knew exactly what he was seeing on the screen. "See his legs there?"

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