Chapter 25: Fighting Reality

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-Kayla's POV-

I can feel he's near.

I can't describe what my body is feeling.

Everything's dark. My mind is blank, yet still racing.

I can smell people. Different scents surround me but the smell of my mate is promenade. He's somewhere close, in arms length yet I can't move an inch to get to him.

I guess this is what it feels to be completely helpless.

Another smell hits my nose as Parkers does. The one of another male, someone close to me but the scent keeps changing, shifting from one distinct smell to another.

My wolf sense I don't think are working. Is there anyway to turn them off?

A button on my body I haven't pushed yet?

Probably not, not that I could reach it anyways. And only Parkers hand get to go down there.


I can smell him and the scent is haunting me, almost taunting me seeing that I can't see him, or feel his warm touch on my skin.

Is he alright? My mate was hurt and I lay here defenseless as he's either dying or healing. Either way I should be present in mind, shape, and body. Not just my body but a totally unaware mind.

Is this what sick people feel like? People who are in a coma or can't respond to any stimuli around them? If it is I can feel their pain.


I don't feel any real pain though.

Before my eyes closed the pain was like nothing I'd every experienced, everything was crashing down on me as I was clawed and fell.

Was Parker there?

No, he came after. He tried to help.

I remember Ian yelling at him about getting himself killed. Is Parker still in danger? Is his life in any risk? Is mine?

I'm clueless.


I hate this feeling. It makes me want to just curl up and cry. But my body won't curl, tears won't come.

I'm frozen. Maybe that's exactly what I am. Frozen in place. Or time? I couldn't be sure.

Maybe this is all a dream. There's no such thing as werewolves, Parker I never met, and I'm just dreaming.

Maybe this is all in my mind. The last real memory that could have happened was buying gifts at the mall for Derick. Maybe there was an accident and everything afterwards was the result of me dreaming in a coma.

No, Parker is real. Your mate is real!

And that's just the drugs talking. Morphine probably so that even unconscious and stable I don't feel any pain. That's gotta be it.

The idea of werewolves are fake, a story made by the brothers Grimm and were supposed to stay stories, not false realities.

Parker is too perfect to be real. What man would love a girl like me unconditionally like he did? It's time for me to wake up. I need to wake up for my family and go back to normal.

I need to go to Derick's real birthday party. Then go off to the resort everyone's been so excited about and have the time of my life with my best friends.

Maybe met a few boys there.

But that's all they are.

Boys, not men.

Parker isn't real. Men are idiots, just look at Cedric for an example.



Oh god I need my brother.

He would hug me right now, tell me that guys can be stupid at times but are not actually stupid. That they just chose that way to be so that girls only see their looks.

And to me that's stupid.

I need my best friend.

Madison I need her. I need her to tell me everything's okay and slap me upside the head for not giving her a hot werewolf boyfriend during my dream of them.

I need Derick, I need Owen, I need Austin.

I need them all.

My jocks.

The pig skins that do need some more brains.

They are my best and brightest. I need them here to tell all evils off.

My friends and family are all I got.

And they need me too.

They need me to wake up.

To stop living in the world where everyone I ever knew was a wolf. They need me sane. I know none of that was real.

It wasn't and never will be.

I need to wake up from my fantasy and be there for all of them.

Goodbye Parker, I'll never see you again.

And that makes me sad.

But I need to get out of this.

"Sleeping beauty needs to wake up..."

Author Note: I know it's short but I wanted this little "revelation" of hers to be a chapter all to herself.

So? Do you think it was all a dream?

Could Kayla possibly be in a coma or something and her subconscious wanted to make her sleep enjoyable by putting images of hot guys and werewolves?

Ha I wish that was my life 😂😂😂...

Well we'll see and find out...

Till next time,
~ShadowHunter666 😉

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