The One I Need

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"Ha Eun! Don't run too fast!", The little boy ran after the girl who is slowly getting far ahead. "You can't catch me ahah--", the girl slipped on a wet ground and fell.

"See, I told you not to run", the boy helped the girl to sit on a bench, her wound is pretty deep and a lot of blood comes out.

The boy holds her wound gently and say "pain, pain, go away and leave little Ha Eun to play", he then blows gently on her wound. "There, it's a magic chant than my mom always sing whenever I got sick or injured myself".

The boy looks up and sees the little girl crying, "W-what's wrong?". "My mom said I need to go somewhere far and I might not see you anymore", the girl continues to sobs with her nose all runny. "I'll find you, I'll find you if you ever go somewhere far" The boy hugs her tightly as she calms down little by little.

The palace door opens and a maid comes out, "Princess, it's time for your dinner". The girl wipes her tears and throws the boy one last smile and waves before she goes back into the palace.


[Ha Eun's POV]

The sound of the keyboards woke me up.

"Oh. She's awake", Princess Ha Eun stopped typing. Minty who was seating beside me flies in front of me, "you didn't know how worried we were when your body temperature rose like crazy. But after hours of rest, thankfully your temperature is back normal. This wouldn't happen if he didn't find you"

Princess Ha Eun turns the laptop to face me, "Great now you can teach me Youtube, I'm pretty interested in it lat--", I dashed out of the room and grabbed my coat to go out. "Ya! Where are you going?! You just recovered!." Just when I got out of the room, Prince JB stood in front of me, "where are you going?".

"I'm going to thank him"

"But I made you rice porridge"

"Thanks but I really need to go now"
I knocked at the door. It took me a few minutes to wait but he eventually opened the door. Just right after he opens the door, I jump at him and hold him tight in my arms. All those times when I was trapped in the other world, I keep thinking of him and how I missed him so much.

"Ha Eun.. W-why are you here?"

"Just thought that maybe I could spend some times with you", I went into his house without waiting for his permission, because I never did.

This is my chance to spend time with him after coming back successfully from the other world. "Got any snacks?", I checked his kitchen for anything edible.

JB just stares at me and slowly sits by the dining table, "You know, you've been pretty weird for the past week. Your behaviour keeps changing. Anything to explain?". He takes a gulps of plain water and wait for me to explain.

"Just.. stressfull, yeah. This week had been quite stressfull", I proceed to take a delicious looking strawberry milk in the refrigerator. "Ya, ya, yaa. That strawberry milk is the last one I have right now". "Then, should we share it?"  I take a sip of the strawberry milk and hand it to him. His cheeks turn red, "hmm? Why? Ahh.. are you thinking of.. an indirect kiss?", I giggled and hit him playfully.

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